[7] Quick Vampire Love {{PART I}}

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"There's too much blood!" I screamed as I pushed down on his lower stomach. He's been bleeding nonstop for ten minutes and hasn't died, his breathing was still normal.

It's something I've never seen before.

What is he? A blood bank?

"Miss, he's not gonna die." This blonde girl said, but I couldn't listen to idiotic speakings. "Please, I'm afraid-" I looked up at her and she looked a bit scared and... Sad?

I felt a tightness around my throat and turned to see the man who was just passed out seconds ago.

"W-What are you-?" I could hear the fear in my voice.

I was just trying to help.

"All humans are the same. You just want something from me." I shook my head no. "Don't lie."

Tears pricked my eyes and I just shook my head more, the air being cut off from my lungs. My small hands were wrapped around his wrist and I was getting weaker by the seconds.

I was told not to be a medic, be a teacher or an accountant.

The grip on my throat loosened and I fell on my ass.

"Ow..." I whined and stood, rubbing my ass. A gun was to my head.

"Speak nothing, but the truth, girl." I chuckled, death not seeming so bad for life is nothing to live for.

"The names Amaterasu."

"I don't use names." I nearly sneered at the remark. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to save your life, but you're fine." I said simply. He just laughed.

"You think I believe bullshit like that, human girl?" And for the first time, I saw the fangs.

A vampire.

How interesting.

How attractive.

"Whether you do or not, I'm telling the truth." I played and he merely raised an eyebrow, his finger moving off the trigger.

"You do not fear me? I'm a vampire." I giggled and nodded.

"I don't think you're that scary, sir." His face seemed to go soft for a split second, but then his finger was back on the trigger.

"Seras, go."

"But Master, she was just-"

"GO!" His voice was loud and booming. I quickly pulled away and moved back, managing to fall over my feet.

The girl looked worried, but simply nodded, mumbling "Of course, I'm so sorry, Master" before leaving.

"Yelling scares you?" He whispered, his face in mine. I pushed his chest and simply ignored him. "A bit childish, Hm?"

"I'm not childish!" I exclaimed, how dare he! He simply laughed.

"Are you a virgin, girl?"

"My names Amaterasu!" I growled and he just chuckled.

"Of course, Amaterasu." His sharp teeth were a bit intimidating. "Amaterasu.... Are you a virgin?" My face grew warm with the question.

Why the fuck does he need to know that?

"And if I am?" I snarled out.

"Answer me." He grabbed my chin with his fingers and made me look at him. His eyes a beautiful shade of red... Almost blood like, but they gleamed with emotion though I could not pinpoint one. "Have you ever been penetrated by a mans-"

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