[12] The Kitty In Heat Wants A Dragon

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"This is Amaterasu." Gajeel said and everyone from Fairy Tail just stared.

I looked up at Gajeel, he had at least four inches on me. He just nodded and I looked towards the group.

"Hiya." I said with a childish grin.

It was dead silent. Everyone's eyes on me.

Did I do something wrong?

But before I could think twice about it, the room erupted into noise.

Everyone talking at once. The noise too much for my ears.

I quickly moved over to Gajeel, cuddling into his arms.

"She's so cute, Gajeel! Where'd you get her?!" One man asked, looking me up and down.

"Are her ears real?" I heard another ask and tug at them.

I hissed and got down on my hands and knees. I sat right in between my Master's legs, rubbing my head against them lightly.

"She's so cute!" Was yelled in unison.

"You're scaring her!" He growled and grabbed the back of my dress, pulling me up into how arms. "She isn't use to you guys, just calm down."

"What is she?" I heard a guy murmur.

"I'm a kitty, duh." I said and began to rub my face against Gajeel's.

"Another cat?!" All of a sudden a blue cat flew over.

"I'm Happy!" He yelled and I just giggled, he didn't look like I did. He looked too feline, if that's a possibility.


"Get away from her Fur Ball." Gajeel said and I just rubbed my face back on his.

Awh, he's protective.

Everyone was watching us with 'awh' expressions and Gajeel's face was just red. He looked a bit uncomfortable.

But why? He's likes my loveydoveyness at home.

I licked his face gently and I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. That made me smile and rub my face closer. He rubbed behind my ear, which is one of my sensitive spots.

I began to purr and laid my head on his chest.

"I never knew Gajeel was such a softy!" Yelled a pink haired Mage.

"Shut it, Natsu!" Gajeel growled.

"Yeah! Shut it!" I repeated and Pinky just laughed at me.

"She's adorable, Gajeel!" A blonde girl gushed and stroked my head. I purred and moved towards her hand.

"She's a kind lady." I murmured to no one in particular. "Very nice."

"Here Lucy." Gajeel sneered and let go of me, pawning me off on the blonde apparently names Lucy.

"N-No." I whined and quickly moved out of the her and back towards Gajeel. "Don't leave me."

He glanced back at me and I knew I was on the verge of crying. Trying my best to make him stay or take me with him.

His eyes softened and he looked ahead of him. I just smiled and went up next to him, he waved goodbye and we left the mages there.

At Fairy Tail.

"What a strange place." I mused as I got up on my two feet.

"Hey man, buy something for your girlfriend!" A man off the street yelled.

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