[19] Locked Up With A Nudist

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"D-Do you have to be naked?" I asked, gazing at anything but him.

He let out a laugh. "I'm a member of Nudist Beach, aren't I?" I glared back up at Aikuro, making sure my eyes don't wander.

"This is stupid." I growled. "Ryuko?!" I turned and stalked off to find my older sister, older by five minutes.

When I finally found her, she was talking to Tsumugu Kinagase.

Aikuro's partner and good friend.

"We need to leave." I said and she just raised an eyebrow.


I looked back to see Aikuro smiling at me.

"B-Because!" I quickly looked away and buried my face into Senketsu.

"It seems like she's a bit flustered over all these naked men." Senketsu commented and I growled at him.

"Stop it!" I shook my head. "You're such a butt, Senketsu." I pouted.

"Why don't we join them?" Renketsu said and I just stared down at my Kamui.

He was much like Senketsu only mine was black and face was opposite to Ryuko's.

Dad must've thought it was a good idea to make them almost identical.

"Don't you even-" But it was too late. The little fucking shit already transformed.

"Well damn..." Both boys said and I felt my face heat up.

"Renketsu, you asshole! What even gives you the right?!" I felt completely vulnerable and I never have before.

My Kamui Renketsu is a lot like Ryuko's Kamui Senketsu.

Only mines taken a bit farther.

Is it because Dad thought because I was younger I should flaunt my body more?

That old pervert.

I barely had a 'skirt' to cover my ass, my stockings looked like fishnet.

My boobs were bigger then Ryuko's so they almost fall out.

I've never had a problem with my body, but being in front of Aikuro makes me nervous.

"Maybe you like him?" I looked down at Renketsu and then over at Ryuko, who was nodding.

"That'd make sense..." We could hear each other's Kamuis which was sometimes a bad thing, but usually we benefited from it.

"So can you not control your transformations?" Aikuro ran his hands against my shoulders, which were half covered by Renketsu.

When his skin touched mine a shuddered and pulled away, taking a deep breath.

"I can control it just sometimes... He thinks it's funny to transform on his own." I explained and Renketsu only laughed.

"How very strange..." He mumbled and stepped closer again.

"Stay away from me pervert!" My cheeks were warming and my eyes wandered lower.

Unwillingly of course.

"Unwillingly my ass." Renketsu mumbled.

"W-Well, I-I should leave..." I went to go, but Ryuko pulled me back.

"Hey! Let go of me!" He said and I looked over to see Tsumugu had Aikuro over his shoulder.

Where is this going...?

"Ryuko?" She didn't speak, but she had a determined smile on her face.

I heard a door open and then I was thrown in there, but I landed on something kinda soft.

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