[13] The Only Thing Right In My Life

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{A/N: I watched Naruto Shippuden: The Lost Tower and every time I saw Minato I was like 'DAMN HES FINE!' lol so... Enjoy!}


"Minato!" I waved as I saw him walking out of the Hokage's office.

We were so close, but since we have become Jonins and have our own squads we haven't seen each other so frequently.

"Amaterasu, you've changed your look." I smiled as I stood in front of him, slowly turning in a circle so he could see my new look.

Short ass shorts, my kunai and shuriken holders on my hips. My shirt a thin, navy blue long sleeve with the Uchiha symbol on the back.

"Had to embrace my Uchiha blood." I said with a giggle.

"That's not all you embraced." He said, his voice filled with worry. "Your ass is hanging out of those shorts, your shirt is too tight against your body, showing each curve, crevice and lump." I just crossed my arms. "That shirt is practically see-through." His hand reached out and felt the material.

"I've gotten older, Minato. I want to be able to find someone." I murmured and looked down at my feet.

Even though I've tried to push aside, burn, drink, forget away the feelings I have for Minato, they haven't left me.

I'm still in love with him.

Those blue eyes, blonde hair, kind smile still own my soul.

"Find someone who deserves you, Ama. Dressing like that will get you the worst people." He pushed my navy blue hair behind my ear, with a gentle smile. "You have to work hard for the good ones, I'd know."

I went to speaking, wanting to tell him that I've been in love with him since the Ninja Academy, but I couldn't get a word in.

"Minato-Sensei." The Hatake kid appeared, his eyes bright. "I heard we have a mission."

"Yes, we do." He looked back at me with an apologetic look. "We'll be back tonight, meet me at Ichiraku's?" I just smiled and nodded, swallowing the words that were bubbling up.

He kissed my forehead.

"Minato-Sensei has a girlfriend?" He asked and I just giggled, Minato's face going red.

"Let's go, Kakashi." The boy nodded at me then both were gone.

I sighed thinking about my Yellow Flash and it stayed that way, all day.


When it came time to go to Ichiraku's, I got nervous.

I had tried on everything in my closet, but nothing felt right.

Anko had ran out on me, saying she would be back, but it had been an hour or so.

Everything felt hopeless.

"I'm back." When Anko came in, the dress in her arms, I gasped.


Short, had one sleeve, navy blue. It was absolutely perfect.

It sparkled in the dim light.

"Is this overdoing it?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"Absolutely, but maybe he'll finally take the hint." I laughed as she helped me shimmy into the beautiful dress.

"I love you." I said and she hugged me.

"You're late, so get going!" She slapped my ass when I walked by. "Damn, that booty looks fine." I laughed and waved to her as I walked out the door.

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