Chapter 2

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The amount of time Mia put into my appearance was unbelievable. She spent the entire afternoon making sure I looked ravishing. My long blond hair cascaded down my shoulders in waves. Mia had sporadically placed flowers throughout some braids she created to give my hair more texture.

"This is something I never thought I'd see you wearing," an ominous voice says from the doorway, as I gazed at myself in the mirror.

"It was a gift from Uther," Mia says doing up the lacing "Doesn't she look radiant, My Lady?"

"Indeed she does Mia. She'll be a sight, for sure. It'll be a night they'll all remember," Morgana says making her way into the room.

Turning around, I admired the dress she donned for the celebrations. A stunning floor length gown that was a dark blue, which contrasted her light skin and dark hair. However they complimented eachother.

"Arthur won't be able to keep his eyes off of her," Mia says with a smirk. Her statement made me roll my eyes.

"I'd rather not go at all," I admit sighing heavily, looking down at my dress.

It too was floor length, but a nice lavender colour, with a silk bodice and lace sleeves. My shoes were heels, that I unfortunately had to wear. Why must I be forced to wear such uncomfortable shoes?  Luckily they were just small ones.

"Nonsense Ana, despite having to spend the rest of your life married to Arthur, I'm certain that you can still enjoy the party," Morgana reassured offering her beautiful smile.

"If some of the men try and get too close with their hands, she could always clock them upside the head with a ladle," Mia suggests placing the tiara from my Kingdom gently onto my head. The hair around it making a soft cushion as it nestled into my locks.

"That type of action is more up Morgana's ally not mine. However I'd gladly cheer her on," I joked nudging the dark haired maiden softly in the shoulder. She laughed at my statement for she knew it was true.


We spend the next few minutes talking before making our way down the the main hall. Along the way Morgana's maid servant Gwen had joined us, admiring both hers and Mia's work on our outfits. I'll admit that we look amazing.

"May I introduce Princess Anastasia Carrington, princess of Willowstone," the guard at the door announced and all eyes turned toward us "Accompanied by the Lady Morgana, ward to King Uther,"

Together we walked in, heads held high as we smiled at everyone we passed. Making our way to the front of the room where Arthur stood next to Uther. There were loads of people there that I hadn't seen before and the ones I did were people of Uther's court.

The room was decorated with lush ribbons and streamers. Flowers decorated the tables along with ornate candelabras and the dishes were polished to the point where they shone in the light casted from the candles.

Morgana and I made our way to stand with the king and his son. All eyes were on me as well as Arthur, soon people would be coming over to congratulate us on our engagement.

"Do my eyes fail me or are you wearing a dress," Arthur joked as we reached them. The comment caused me to roll my eyes.

"It was a gift from your father, of course I had to wear it," I retort letting out a huff.

We spent the next hour or so thanking people for their praises while trying not to strangle on another. That wouldn't go over well. After that the feast began and went surprisingly well. Usually at feasts I'd sit next to Morgana, however I was placed next to Arthur due to the king's wishes.

We spend most of our time bickering back in forth but in a teasing sort of way. Of course that could've been because Arthur had a few cups of wine into him so he was slightly drunk. I only had a cup, I'm not much of a wine fan. I'd prefer ordinary water.

When the feast was over and everyone began leaving Uther pulled us both aside. His face held a look of sympathy as he began explaining things to us.

"Since there's going to be loads of people coming here for the festivities tomorrow, our rooms have been filled up, which is why you two will now be sharing a chamber," Uther says and I could feel my heart stop for a second as my eyes widened.

Arthur let out a gasp "But Father it would be incredibly wrong for us to share a room before we're married," he states trying to plead with his father.

"I'm well aware that in most cases it would be considered very wrong. However you're both already engaged and it would be unthinkable to allow others who are not engaged to share a chamber during their stay here," Uther explained his reasoning behind the sudden decision.

"That does make sense," I joined in coming out of my shock.

Uther smiled "I'm glad you see my reasonings dear child. Your things have already been moved over and your parents are alright with it," and with that he took his leave. Which left Arthur and I still stood there completely flabbergasted.

We stood there for a few moments in complete silence, trying to process what just happened. One minute we're leaving the banquet hall to retire to our seperate chambers only to find out that we now share one. Funny how fast the night can change.

"It's incredibly horrid of me to say this, but sometimes I just want to smack him," I say once I collected my thoughts. I knew it was alright to speak like this in front of Arthur since he wouldn't tell the king.

"Oh I do too. It's the fact that he's both my father and the king that stops me," he agreed looking down at me with a sigh and together we walked back to our chambers. That was going to be hard to get use to. Hopefully things go well.....

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