Chapter 13

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Today is a very special day for everyone in Camelot. Uther was going to make peace with Bayard after many years of fighting. It was going to be a day of peace and celebrations. Apparently he was bringing most of his court with him, which filled up our remaining rooms once more.

The servants have been working very hard to make sure everything is prepared and up to par before our guests settled in. They had just arrived and probably wanted some rest from the long journey.

We were all stood in the throne room to greet everyone. There was a terrible tension in the air. Our knights moved forward following behind Uther and Arthur as they made their way towards Bayard and his men.

As Uther welcomed Bayard, I couldn't help but notice a maid looking at Merlin. It wasn't like a look of admiration or anything like that. But one of determination, which was very strange. But I shook it off as Uther called me forward.

Confused, I stepped away from Morgana, who stood next to me up by the thrones. My shoes clicked on the floor as I made my way forward. Some of Bayard's maids were admiring my dress and hair.

Mia had chosen a beautiful gown that was a deep rose red. The bodice was adorned in golden thread, with flower patterns sewn into the red fabric. The sleeves made of a pretty soft red lace. My hair was flowing down my shoulders in soft curls, with a crown of flowers sat comfortably on top of my head.

The knights stepped aside so I could pass by. Edmund giving me and smile with a playful wink as I stopped beside Arthur.

"I'd like to congratulate you both on your engagement," Bayard says with a smile, which suited him quite well.

"Thank you Lord Bayard," I replied, nudging Arthur's arm gently and he also thanked the man. With the welcoming over with, everyone went about their day, making sure everything was perfect for the banquet.


It had been a few hours since greeting the guests and now I was in my chamber. Mia was picking out my dress for the evening as Arthur ordered Merlin to wash his jacket that he was wearing tonight.

"When was this last washed?" The dark haired man asks as he held the jacket as far from his nose as he could.

"Last year at one of the feasts," Arthur replies with a smirk.

"Oh that's just not sanitary," I state shaking my head, scrunching my nose slightly as I caught a whiff of the foul smell coming off the jacket.

"Did it end in a food fight?" Merlin asked pinching the garment between two fingers as he held it as far away from himself, as his arms would let him.

"Don't all feasts?" Arthur says answering Merlin's question with another one. Which didn't really fully answer it, just left Merlin more curious.

"I wouldn't know my lord, I haven't been to any," He replied as Mia stopped in front of me with a lovely gown.

It was a pale blue color that complemented my hair as well as my skin tone. It has a bejeweled neckline with short sleeves, it stopped at her ankles which would be where it would stop on me. Being as we were the same height.

"Well now you'll say you've been to one," Arthur tells him and Merlin's face lighted up with a smile.

"I get to attend?" He asks with a hopeful look but it dropped slightly with Arthur's reply.

"You'll be there to make sure my cup doesn't run dry. If I have to sit through Lord Bayard's speech then I want to at least be somewhat drunk,"

"Keep it empty Merlin," I say looking away from the dress "A drunk Arthur is a lost cause, he likes to wander," I giggled as Mia began finding accessories to go with my dress.

"One time I found him by the woods flirting with a tree, he got really upset when it rejected him," Mia says recalling the memory from a few years ago. When she told it to me I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Merlin tried holding in his laughter but it didn't work. Arthur glared slightly at his servant shaking his head.

"Wait until you to see what you'll be wearing," Arthur's states walking behind his changing screen.

He came out with this ridiculous outfit paired with a strange hat. The hat was adorned with a very large feather. All in all it was quiet a bizarre thing to be wearing to a feast. Of course Arthur will do anything to embarrass Merlin.

"Oh my goodness, you can't make him wear that at the feast. Lord Bayard's men will torment him as well as ours," I say letting out a giggle that I couldn't contain.

"What's wrong with it my love. It's the official garment for servants," He replied probably not realising what he called me.

Shaking off the fluttering of my heart from hearing him call me that, I shook my head "Maybe like 30 years ago,"

"Doesn't matter, he's got to wear it. Now I'm off to train with the knights before the feast," he says ending the debate and leaving the room.

My eyes followed his retreating figure as he passed through the door. I placed myself on the end of the bed trying to figure out if he really said what I thought he did. Meanwhile Merlin began washing Arthur's jacket with magic, making sure it was hidden in case someone came in.

"If you're contemplating if Arthur really called you his love, you're not hearing things," Mia says standing before me, a small smile on her face.

"I told you he feels deeply for you, but just won't admit it," Merlin chimed in, standing beside Mia. "He didn't even realize it slipped out,"

I sighed flopping down dramatically onto my back. My hair flowing out around me like a fan.

"I told her that if anyone could tame Arthur's heart it would be her," Mia says proudly, helping me sit back up then she went to draw me a nice bath. Most likely to help me relax since I had one the day before.

The room became silent. The only sounds were of Mia and Merlin working away on their chores. That was until the bath was cooled enough for me to get in. Then Merlin left giving me more privacy even though I'd be behind the screen. And with that I had my bath. It was relaxing and Mia scented it with rose water and washed my hair once again. Now all I had to do was get ready for the feast. Which me luck.....

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