Chapter 18

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With the help of magic, Merlin had created a fake seal of nobility for Lancelot. He was now set to show it to Arthur and try to get recruited as a knight. Gwen had even managed to make suitable garments for him as well. Which he was thankful for.

I wasn't there when it happened,. however Mia told me that Lancelot seemed very fond of Gwen and she seemed to feel the same. This information confused me since I thought she felt something for Merlin, being as she kissed him when he awoke from being poisoned. But what did I know.

Right now I was standing with Merlin and Gwen watching as Lancelot went up to confront Arthur on signing up to be a knight. So far things didn't seem to be going well. Seeing as Arthur practically made a fool out of the man, not even giving him the chance to be in basic training, even though Merlin had been dropping hints about how great of a fighter Lancelot is.

He came back over to us, head hung low from the failure. But something told me he wasn't going to give up just yet. However I gave him an apologetic smile before rushing over to Arthur, a grim look on my face.

"Did you have to be so hard on him? Merlin says he'd make a great knight, something we need if you want to defeat that creature," I say playing with the hem of my sleeve, something I tended to do when anxious, I wasn't in usual princess attire so I wasn't worried about ruining the stitching.

"Relax Ana, I'm not doing this to be an ass. I just want to test him to see how much he wants this because not only do we need great fighters but also dedicated ones who are determined," he explains tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You might want to explain that to Merlin, he's very upset with you," I say glancing up at him through my eyelashes.

He stroked my face as we stood there, completely unaware to the world around us. What we didn't see was our people watching their future king and queen with smiles on their faces. To them we most definitely looked deeply in love, which by now could very well be.

"When is Merlin not upset with me?" He asks causing a giggle to escape my lips because it was true. At this point Merlin was always upset with Arthur but he always managed to redeem himself.

"I suppose you're right about something, for once," I replied with a cheeky smile as his eyes widened.

"What's that supposed to mean," he defended and I just winked at him before running away. I didn't bother looking back as I heard him running behind me.

People smiled at us as they watched us run around the training area. We no doubt looked like fools but I was just trying to out run him, which was working. Until I made the mistake of looking behind me. With my luck he was right there and managed to catch me.

He picked me up around my waist, spinning us in circles as our laughter echoed throughout the whole place. Which must've taken a bit of effort seeing as he was in chainmail. After a few seconds he put me down and from the corner of my eye I saw Edmund smiling like a proud brother.

"So you finally learned how to out run me," I state turning around to face him, my breaths were quick as I tried slowing down my accelerating heart.

"Well being taller than you has an advantage," he says with a grin and he ruffled my hair just to get the point across.

"Well now you sound like Josiah and Edmund," I giggled while flattening down the hairs that he managed to mess up. We joked around some more before I took my leave. I was spending the afternoon with Morgana.


"So Merlin seems keen on this Lancelot. I've heard he tried talking him up to Arthur but he got shot down," Morgana says as we sat at her table. It was nice to spend time with her since there wasn't many other women in the court.

"Yeah Lancelot was truely saddened by not having at least a chance. However Arthur told me that he wanted to test just how dedicated Lancelot is to wanting to become a knight," I explained taking a cookie from the plate in front of me. They were quite tasty.

"Hmm that doesn't sound like Arthur at all. I'm sure he's doing it to impress you," she states causing my eyes to widen with shock.

"Whatever could you mean?" I asked trying not to choke of the cookie in my mouth. Since I gulped from her statement.

"Forgive me, my Lady but you really don't see how he looks as you," Gwen says pouring some wine into Morgana's goblet.

I shook my head "I haven't the faintest idea as to what you're implying," I scrunched my eyes up on confusion earning a giggle from Mia.

"He's falling for you Ana, are you that oblivious as to not see it?" She asked knowing full well my stubborness could be endless at this point. "Plus we saw you two out in the training area after training. It was adorable,"

"No am I supposed to see it?" I asked fiddling with my necklace. It was a gift from Arthur on my last birthday. It was a golden dragon with a ruby eye, and I loved it dearly. Oh god maybe that was a sign? I thought to myself looking down at it.

"Well only if you see your feelings towards him. Which are the same," she replied with a smile knowing where this was going.

"Maybe I do feel something towards him?" I pondered as more of a question. My thoughts were trying to process everything as the girls giggled. Big smiles dance upon their faces.

All my life I had known that I'd marry Arthur. It was expected of me ever since my mother knew she was carrying me. I was taught to one day be a queen of a highly respected kingdom to rule alongside Arthur. Yet no body had taught me how to fall in love. I wasn't expecting it to feel like this, sort of like magic if I thought about it.

I was really falling for him. For Arthur.....

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