Chapter 27

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The banquet hall was filled to the brim with excited people. All happy to witness such a momentous occasion, one of which sealed the fate of the kingdom for its future. Merlin stood beside Gwen, beaming with pride as he watched Uther recite the vows to Arthur. A giggle escaped my lips from my place beside Morgana, as the man I loved said the vows right back. Pledging his allegiance to the Kingdom.

Due to such formal occasions I was dressed in a light pink gown, adorned with real flowers. Which smelled delightful. An assortment of them were also strategically placed throughout my hair, along with my crown.

"Merlin seems proud doesn't he?" Morgana whispered nodding in the direction of the sorcerer, who was conversing with Gwen on the matter.

"Yes truely. Although they'd never admit it to anyone, but the two just have this bond between them. Like their destinies are connected," I replied with a smile, knowing the truth behind it all.

Uther placed the crown on Arthur's head with a proud look. And soon everyone began to clap, happy for the new crowned Prince. Like always though our happiness was cut short as glass shattered from the high windows. A man on a horse landed before us, armour as black as the night. Arthur and the knights all drew their swords incase of an unexpected fight.

Edmund stood protectively in from of Morgana and I, while I quickly unsheathed my concealed dagger from its ankle guard. It sure did come in handy when I was in princess attire. The mysterious man tore off his gauntlet, dropping it not far from Arthurs feet. He was setting up a challenge.

The prince went to scoop up the gauntlet however Sir Owain was quicker. Accepting the challenge on behalf of the Prince. Which Arthur seemed mad about, since he was a man of honour and wouldn't be seen as a coward.

"I Sir Owain accept your challenge," the young knight declared, wanting to prove himself worthy in front of Arthur as well as the king.

"Single hand combat, noon tomorrow. To the death," our intruder stated before rushing from the hall. The once happy atmosphere gone now, as things remained silent.

It was one thing to have a combat fight, but one to the death was very rare. Sure knights have died in fights, most times on accident. But fights where death declared the winner is what scared me. I had this horrible feeling about the whole ordeal, one that caused me to visibly shake. However Morgana gently took my hand, providing comfort. This wasn't going to end well.


A few hours passed as I was sitting in my chamber, trying to keep my mind from wandering into dark places. It had been apparent that this man had wanted to fight Arthur, and something told me he'd stop at nothing until he did.

"You needn't worry so much Ana," Arthur says from the place across the table, his hand resting on-top of mine "Owain has great skill, and despite my attempts at taking his place. For which father has forbidden me, due to the knights code. He has a chance at winning," the remorse in his voice didn't sound that convincing.

However I knew it was because he was given the challenge, as the gauntlet was dropped at his feet. Perhaps he's still mad at Owain for picking it up. Even though the knight did it to not only show his courage and loyalty but to protect Arthur as well.

"It's just tiring not being able to catch a break. Camelot has so many enemies due to his hatred for all things magical. Most come seeking revenge, and yet innocent people have to suffer because of it. We have to suffer from it, since you're the heir people want to hurt you to get back at him. And since I'm your love, they'll try hurting me to hurt you, or the other way around. I come from a kingdom of peace, all of this torment and loss is really getting to me. We've lost so many good people already, yet we still suffer," I admit, thoughts that have been plaguing my mind for the longest of times, came pouring out.

He stayed quiet for a moment but there was this look of empathy and understanding on his face. Through the light of the fireplace I saw his eyes soften.

"It's unfortunate that we've got to deal with such turmoil. However perhaps you and I can change things when we become the rulers of Camelot. Let us both have hope that we'll make it that far," he replied with reassurance, which did make me feel better.

"I hadn't thought you could ever be so wise," I giggled earning a smile from him as he rubbed the pad of his thumb along the back of my hand. Creating little swirling patterns.

"Perhaps I've spent too much time with Gaius, he's beginning to project his wisdom onto me," he states shrugging his shoulders slightly. "Come we should retire for the night, it's been a long day," with that we both began preparing ourselves to bed. Then eventually drifted off to sleep.


It was now the next day, everyone was gathered in the arena ready for the match. Wrapped around Owain's arm was a piece of cloth to show Morgana's support. She asked Gwen to give it to the knight as a sign of luck. I was in the room when Gwen came and the knight had high hopes about defeating his opponent. Merlin and I had shared a look, indicating that we both thought there was more to this than just a challenge.

The fight soon began with both opponents squaring off to face one another. By observing there was no denying Owain's skill, yet this would be his first real battle, as he had just recently joined the knights. Yet the other guy was just as good, and there was something unique about his fighting style. And it was clear to see that he was going to show no mercy.

Things were escalating as Owain was about to be bested, however he quickly shoved his sword through the black Knights stomach. Getting the winning blow, or at least that's what I thought. Yet it seemed the injury had no ailment on the knight what so ever. I was absolutely sure he got stabbed, almost right threw the body.

But it was nothing that could declare Owain the winner, as the knight went on to kill our noble one. Beating the challenge that he set himself. We all stood in shock wondering what just happened.

"The sword went into his stomach, I'm sure of it," Edmund whispered into my ear garnering my attention for the moment.

"I saw it as well," I replied and we both shared a confused look "he should be dead,"

"Unless he already is," Edmund states scratching the back of his head with a fearful look.

"A wraith!" I gasped clutching his hand as I turned back to see Sir Pellenor picking up the gauntlet. Accepting the challenge.

This was never gonna end......

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