Chapter 12

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There was just so much going on and it hadn't even been twenty minutes. Arthur and I agreed to do our best to help Gwen so every one left so we could get dressed for the day. Arthur left first since Uther had called for him as they were going to discuss things in the throne room.

Mia helped me into a simple emerald green dress and I told her to just leave my hair down since it wasn't important. Once dressed we made our way to the throne room. The swish of our gowns could be heard as we hastily walked.

"What was he thinking?" Mia asked after I told her that Merlin cured Edmund and Tom. Her eyes were wide but I knew she was happy they were alright but now we had to prove Gwen's innocence.

"He was thinking about us and Gwen. But Gaius warned him not to do it," I explained as we stopped in front of the doors to the throne room. Others voice could be heard from the other side. No doubt he was yelling at Morgana for trying to help Gwen.

I yanked open the doors and rushed into the room. Heels clicking on the floor as I made my way to the front of the room. Poor Gwen was on the floor in tears as guards stood around her. Each keeping a close eye on her small figure as if she might try to run.

"My lord I think you want to at least make sure you have the right person behind this," I say and all eyes turned to look as me. Edmund smirked at my statement. I wasn't saying that Uther had the wrong person, which he does, but implying that there might be more to the story. And there is.

"How do you know that she didn't heal her father and your brother?" Uther asks as I stopped beside Morgana who was glaring daggers at the king.

"You should've heard her crying when she told me about her father. She was heartbroken. If she was a sorceress wouldn't she have just healed him the second she saw he was ill? Also my lord she didn't know my brother was ill, we were going to tell everyone this morning," I pleaded my case, without looking desperate.

Uther scrunched his face, thinking things over "A bag of magic poultice was found under Tom's pillow and he said that Gwen was with him all night," he says hoping it was throw me off and I would give up since it was enough evidence for him.

"Was anything found under Edmund's pillow?" I asked knowing the answer. If Edmund knows about Merlin than he probably disposed of the poultice as soon as he found it. Knowing what to look for, since we both grew up around magic. Mostly healing magic.

"No," Arthur says looking over at me. It was hard to tell but I think there was a proud look in his eyes " and nobody was with him all night. Father she has a fair point. Also Gwen is a kind woman, if she were a sorceress she'd heal everyone she could find who had the sickness. Not just two people,"

"Be it as it may. Rules are rules and what evidence we have points to her. All magic must be punished by death," he concludes ushering the guards to take Gwen away. They grabbed her roughly by the arms leading her out of the room, pleading and screaming. Morgana walked off not long after, glaring deeply at the king.

"I feel as though you are making a big mistake my lord," I say taking my leave.  Not even bothering to look at him as I heard Arthur trying to make Uther see reason. At least Arthur will be a fair and just king.


Sometimes I question my parents decision to marry me off to Arthur. Sure he's a great man and will make an excellent king one day. But it's the fact that my parents sent me to live in Camelot so young, that unsettled me at times.

I knew their alliance with Uther was deeply important and they wanted to uphold it. But I just never could understand how they could befriend him when he's so corrupted by his fear for magic that nothing else mattered to him, apart from ridding the kingdom of it.

My parents taught me to see the best in people but it was hard seeing any ounce of goodness in that man. Mother always said magic was both a blessing and a curse, but if chosen to be used the right way, it can and is quite beautiful.

One of my earliest memories of magic was when I was just shy of seven and Mia's mother Marianne had made it snow in the middle of my bed chambers when it was mid summer. Each snowflake so pure and different from the next. From that day forth I saw the beauty behind it.

Now of course there are bad sides to magic. Ones that get seen pretty much everyday here in Camelot. Since Uther's hatred for it has given him a fair amount of enemies. Each one going to great lengths to take down the kingdom, or mainly trying to kill Arthur. Not that they ever succeed.

My thoughts were interrupted when Arthur came into the garden, where I was sat star gazing to take my mind off things.

"You'll be pleased to hear that Gwen has been let go," he says sitting next to me, on the edge of the stone bench.

"Really! How'd you get your father to see reason?" I asked connecting my eyes with his, a smile slowly creeping across my face.

"Well after you left Merlin barged into the throne room claiming he was the one to cure Tom and Edmund. Which is ridiculous. Anyway I told father that Merlin was only spewing nonsense because he was in love with Gwen," he says shaking his head slightly.

"Then what happened?" I urged him to continue leaning in slightly as if to hear better.

"Gaius found out that there was a monster in the water supply. He called it an Afanc. A beast created by magic from clay and water, it was the thing poisoning the water. Anyway Merlin sent Morgana to get me and we went down to the reserves and killed the monster. Once it was dead the sick people got better, hence proving it wasn't Gwen," he finished the story, his eyes never leaving mine which made my cheeks turn red.

"It's nice of you to prove her innocence. I was worried Morgana was going to kill Uther in his sleep if he killed Gwen," I replied letting out a puff of air, glad to hear it was over and Gwen was free.

"It was the right thing to do after all," he says with a small smile as he placed his hand on mine as it rested beside me on the stones.

"So do you really think Merlin has feelings for Gwen?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. Eyes lighting up with curiosity and he laughed shrugging his shoulders slightly.

We laughed for awhile before making our way back to our chambers. Retiring for the night, happy that we dealt with another problem. Hopefully we'll have a break before the next one. But that's wishful thinking.....

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