Chapter 20

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The celebration of Lancelot didn't last long as by the next morning, Uther had found out about the forgery. Which ended up with Lancelot thrown into a cell. Because he'd broken the stupid dumb code. Which is really saying because he lied about being noble. And to say I was royally pissed off would suffice. I was so mad at Uther it was unbelievable.

"My lady if you pace anymore there will be a crater in the cobblestones," Mia says gaining my attention. She stood before me and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Mia, he just makes me so mad at times. Why must he be like this, what happened to him that made him act like that," I replied trying my best to calm down.

"I'm not sure but things are different here compared to back home. However maybe things will change when you and Arthur take over," she reassured offering up a smile. I nodded knowing that we definitely could change things here.

We were taken out of our talk by the sounds of panic and screaming. Rushing to the window I saw that the monster had reached the city, causing people to rush for cover.

I shared a look with Mia as we rushed out of the room and down into the main pavilion. We quickly began ushering people inside as well as helped them hide from the Beast. I was glad my dress gave me the ability to move quickly, gods forbid if I weren't in a flowy gown.

Just as I ushered a small family into the castle, Arthur had come out bravely leading the Knights who were positioned in a v shape behind him. They were trying to hold the beast back so everyone could get to safety, however their efforts were becoming limited.

No matter the attack, the monster seemed unharmed by any man made weapon. Proving my suspicions of it being a creature of magic. Meaning the only way to destroy it was with the aid of Merlin.

My heart clenched as I watched the Knights from behind a pillar. Doing my best to stay calm, as Mia clutched my hand in fear. Arthur was knocked to the ground, landing very hard on his back. Sword and shield smacked out of hands. Leaving him defenseless. That was until Edmund threw a torch towards him. Which he picked up, waving it in front of the beast. Drawing it back.

In the last second he grabbed a spear from a nearby knight and threw it with great accuracy. What should've been a fatal blow to the chest, had no effect. The spear shattered on impact. Leaving no damage. However it seemed to grow angry as it flew away. But it would definitely come back. Once everything calmed down I raced forward Mia in tow.

"Is everyone alright!" I asked looking everyone over letting out a sigh of relief when there weren't any injuries. Seeing people hurt always pained me, which makes so adamant to help heal them. If they are able to be healed.

"We are fine dear sister," Edmund replied pulling me into a hug, glad to see me in one piece. Arthur looked highly relieved to see me as he pulled me into his arms after I let go of my brother. He wrapped his arms around my tightly, burying his face into the crook of my neck. The action confused me a bit, I just hoped my face wasn't as red as a rose. That would be embarrassing.

After the attack in the courtyard Arthur went to talk to Uther, who believed that the monster could be defeated with a man made weapon. He also denied it being a creature of magic, despite what Gaius and Merlin figured out.

The king ordered his son and knights to rush off and defeat the beast. Of course things definitely weren't going to end well unless Merlin did something to help.

"Are you sure you want to use your magic in such a close proximity to Arthur? If he finds out of your magic you'll be killed and I'm much too attached to you as a friend for that to happen," I asked the sorcerer as he prepared to follow the prince into the forest. At least he had the cover of night on his side. It would be awful if he was discovered.

"I'll be extremely careful my lady, I promise," he replied giving me a quick smile. I leaned over and pulled him into a quick hug before urging him on his way.

Waiting for everyone to come back was the worst thing ever. It's not typical for a lady to be impatient however I'm probably the most impatient woman ever. Mother says I get it from father, which I do believe is true. I mean sure he's not patient but at least he's fair and just, unlike a tormented king that I knew.

Arthur came back after what felt like hours where he went on to explain what happened. Apparently the beast knocked him out so he didn't remember much but he did recall seeing Lancelot killing the beast with a flaming spear. Which was most likely his head injury talking, although Lancelot really was there. As Arthur told me that he let him escapade from the cells.

There was alot to unpack from the retelling of events. However I managed to decipher an idea as to what happened. And that was Merlin used some spell to make a magical weapon that then went on to kill the beast, Lancelot just so happened to be the one wielding it. It's been a long few days but at least the threat is out of the way and dealt with. At least for the time being.

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