Chapter 15

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By the time we all arrived at Gaius's chambers, they had Merlin laid out on the bed. Gwen had pressed a damp cloth to his forehead and Arthur was freaking out. It was nice that he cared so much about Merlin's wellbeing. Just showed how he'd be as king.

I examined the cup and saw something stuck to both of them "There's something stuck to the sides of them. A petal of some sort," I say and Gaius carefully picked one off with some tweezers, carefully examining it with his glasses.

"I'd say it was a petal from the morteus flower. Quite the poison," I say peering over his shoulder for a better look.

Gaius flipped through one of his books on common poisons in the region, stopping on the page of the flower. Reading the information written down about it.

"You're quite right my dear. And the antidote can only be made from a leaf of the flower. Which grow deep in a cavern, that's guarded by a monster," he declares and Merlin became fitful in his slumber.

"How long does he have before the poison starts killing him?" Arthur asks a determined look on his face.

"Four days at the most, then after that he'll go quickly," I explained hoping that we could get the antidote in time "However it could be strengthened by magic, which if that's the case he doesn't have long, a day or so,"

I could see by the look in Arthur's eyes that he was going to get the flower. Not wishing Merlin to die especially not when he could do something to prevent it. And that's how he was going to be like as King. Someone who was willing to save anyone no matter their status. In the moment I began understanding my feelings for him, I was beginning to fall for him. Which was scary.

"I'll go fetch the flower, I'll be back as soon as I can," Arthur says as Gaius showed him a picture of the monster guarding the caves "Sounds like fun,"

"Just be careful," I plead looking up into his beautiful eyes. A worried look on my face. Without realizing it, I was gently clutching onto the front of his tunic. Hands burried within the fabric.

"I always am. I'll be fine Ana," he says offering up a smile which wasn't something he did often. He cupped my cheek with his hand before placing a kiss on my forehead. Then he quickly left the room, off to save Merlin from dying. Hopefully he'll get it in time.


Gwen was doing her best at tending to Merlin's fever. He was restless even in his current state. But it was the ramblings that began worrying me. He was mumbling spells in his sleep, head turning about as if looking for something, or someone.

"What's he saying?" Gwen asks as she looked down at the dying man. A look of sympathy on her face.

"Nothing it's just the fever talking," Gaius lied knowing full well that Merlin was speaking enchantments "Could you fetch us some more water dear," Gwen got up quickly and dashed out of the room to run the errand.

"Arthur it's a trap. It's too dark, follow the light," Merlin mumbled thrashing around. His hand began glowing under the blanket, a blue ball of light.

"Even when he's dying he's still saving Arthur," Edmund says with a small smile, amazed by the magical ball of light.

"You know of his powers and destiny then?" Gaius asks looking at the three of us, surprised that we weren't freaking out at seeing the magic before us.

"We've known all along, magic is commonly used in our kingdom. We grew up around it," Edmund explained as Mia sat down next to Merlin. Tending to the fever just as Gwen had.

"Gaius he is starting to have a rash on his arm. It's not supposed to show up this early. Which means it's been speed up by magic," I say looking down at Merlin's arm.

"I'm afraid there's not much more we can do until Arthur comes back with the flower. Hopefully soon," he says pained to see the boy, whom he loved like a son, in such a state. There was nothing left to do but pray.


It's been a few more hours and we all were growing more anxious as the seconds passed on. Merlin had stopped casting the light which was a relief. It was something Gwen couldn't know about.

Mia had fallen asleep on the bench next to Edmund. Her head fitting snugly upon his shoulder, and under different circumstances I would've thought it as adorable. Well I still do, just didn't make it known verbally.

The room was quiet for the moment as Merlin calmed down somewhat. It had been almost an hour since he had a fitful episode. However the quiet didn't last long as Morgana rushed into the room.

"Uther had locked Arthur in a cell for disobeying his order. We have to do something," she exclaimed with a panicked look.

"Leave it to me," I say getting up and darting out the door, my steps quick and determined.

Without wasting much time, I made the trek down to the dungeon. Wondering how a father could imprison his own son simply because he was disobeyed. It was completely mental, but that's just how Uther ruled. Unjustly.

I had a prominent scowl on my face as I approached the guards who looked shocked to see me marching towards them. I could be scary when I wanted to be.

"He's not allowed any visitors my Lady," one said trying to stop me in my wake, however I wasn't in the mood to act lady like as I quickly pushed threw them.

"I haven't a care what is allowed or not. I wish to see my future husband so we can safe his servant from death. Alright I'm done playing nice so I'll be on my way or I'll beat you to a bloody pulp. I've had a long day so don't make it worse," I declared completely appalled by my own actions which I'll no doubt apologize for later, but saving Merlin was the main focus right now.

I took the key off the table and made my way to the cell Arthur was in and opened the door. He looked up with a smirk, obviously hearing everything that took place outside.

"You're even more beautiful when you're angry, did you know that?" He says not even caring about watching what he said and I smiled.

"I think that's the first time you've ever called me beautiful. Thanks for the compliment, you're not bad to look at either," I say as he walked over handing me the flower.

"We'll talk about this later, off you go," he says nodding his head to the door. I nodded giving him a smile before rushing out of the cell. I threw the keys at the guard before rushing back to Gaius's chambers.

Everyone looked up as I reentered proudly holding up the flower as Gaius was just finishing up the main part of the antidote. With the question about needing magic for it to work, he send Gwen off to get a vile of water. Morgana had already left so with them not in the room, he said a spell praying that it worked. Gwen came back and he made it look like he used the water before giving the potion to Merlin.

We all waited but noticed Merlin stopped breathing. I felt devastated as a few tears slipped down my cheek, and Gwen began to sob. Our efforts were too late. Gaius pulled the young handmaiden into a hug.

"Oh that's just gross. You should be ashamed of yourself you're old enough to be her grandfather," a hoarse voice says getting our attention.

With a smile I looked up to see Merlin waking up and Gwen leant down and gave him a kiss.

Now I definitely didn't see that coming.......

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