Chapter 19

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Over the next day or so Arthur had been tasking Lancelot with various things that servants usually do. Like mucking out the stables, and whatnot. Meanwhile this monster has been causing severe damage to the outer villages and making its way towards the castle. Someone really wanted revenge on Uther. Right now I was getting ready for a knight ceremony since Arthur finally allowed Lancelot to make basic training.

The man used a clever tactic to defeat the prince by pretending he was injured, then when Arthur went to take the flag on Lancelot's belt, the man got up which caught Arthur off guard and with that we now had a new knight.

"You're awfully quiet my lady, what's troubling you?" Mia asks taking me out of my thoughts. I couldn't help but worry for the sake of our people, the monster was causing alot of carnage.

"The monster that's been attacking. It's coming closer and caused alot of damage already, but next there will be casualties. We've lost enough innocent people as it is. What's next?" I replied looking over at her as she finished pinning my hair and placing my tiara on my head.

"I'm sure Merlin and Gaius will figure something out, they always do," she says placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know but I can't help but worry," I state letting out a sigh feeling helpless. Wishing there was something that I could do to help.

"And that's alright my Lady, just means you're human," she replied putting the finishing touches on my hair. She guided me over to the mirror, a proud look on her face.

For the ceremony I was in a beautiful gold dress with red accents all down it. They were shaped like the dragon on the Pendragon crest but there are a few unicorns placed subtly to represent my crest. The sleeves were short and made of soft silk, that shimmered in the light. My shoes were flat which was good for me because I'd be standing for most of the night.

"Well I guess it's time to make our way down," I say offering up a smile "Thanks for the help,"

"It's what I'm here for Ana but you're very much welcome. Also Arthur asked to walk you down," she replied adding a smirk on at the end. I shook my head but still laughed at her silliness.

Once she bid me a farewell, she quickly left through the servants door just as Arthur came into the room. Fully clad in his armour with his sword resting on his hip. He had a crown resting on his head, which would turn into a bigger one when he becomes the crowned Prince.

"You look lovely," he says upon seeing me standing in wait. As someone who's not use to getting compliments from him, my face was probably red. However I did my best at trying to hide it.

"Are my ears broken, or did you really just compliment me?" I joked placing a hand on my chest. Although deep down I did feel flattered by the statement.

"It's not that big of a deal Ana," he replied trying to brush it off. However there was a sense of pride in his eyes.

"Coming from you Sire, I think it would be," I state with a big smile "How's that wound healing?" I nodded my head at his shoulder. Hoping my healing efforts paid off.

"It's healing just fine thanks to you, if only you could magically heal it so I'd be in fighting shape again," he replied taking my arm and we began making our way down to the festivities.

As we walked along the cobbled floor servants could be seen bustling about making last minute preparations. They stopped briskly as we walked along, bowing their heads out of respect. Arthur nodded his head in appreciation while I smiled and waved which they returned before getting back to their tasks.


It hadn't taken us too long before approaching the elegant doors of the grand hall. People could be heard talking through the closed doors. The guards opened them up as we stopped before them.

"Now introducing Prince Arthur Pendragon and Lady Anastasia Carrington future King and Queen of Camelot," the greeter spoke, gaining everyone's attention. All eyes went to us as we entered arm in arm.

"God I really hate being the center of attention, this night is about Lancelot not us," I mumbled which earned a laugh from Arthur. We began walking toward the front of the room.

"Well it's great that you care about others Ana, being selfless is an admirable trait," he replied, causing my face to flush red, no doubt.

"Are you sure you're feeling well Arthur? That was two complements in under 10 minutes," I state as we stopped in front of Uther. Arthur just chuckled before standing next to his father so I went next to Morgana.

"Is it just me or does Arthur seem in better spirits?" The raven haired lady asks as I settled myself beside her.

"I'd say so Morgana, he complemented me twice in the time it took us to walk down here," I replied and she winked at me as well as showing off a beautiful smile.

"Well I'd say that is definitely an improvement, and I also would say that despite his complaining, he secretly likes having Merlin around to serve him," she said before turning in the direction of the King, who was gaining everyone's attention.

"Oh there's no doubt about that," I whispered in her ear earning a giggle from the elder Lady. After that the ceremony began.


The hall was filled with laughter as we celebrated the new knight of Camelot. People were dancing about the room at various stages of drunkenness. The music could be heard just over all the other noise. I stood next to Morgana and Gwen as we watched everyone having fun.

A few people had asked Morgana to dance and she gladly accepted the invitations. Despite not looking for a husband just yet, she still enjoyed herself which brought a smile to my face. She was like a big sister to me, after all and I thought she deserved the world.

"If I'm seeing this correctly I'd say you two ladies have some admirers," Merlin's voice hit my ears and I looked over at the man who now stood beside me. I gave him a confused look, not sure what he was speaking about. With a grin he nudged his head in the direction across from where Gwen and I stood.

Leaning against a table was Arthur and Lancelot talking, but every so often they would glance in our direction, before quickly turning away. As if to not be caught.

I giggled as Gwen's cheeks turned red then turned to Merlin "Well how do you know if they aren't looking at you. Handsome man like yourself," that comment made him chuckle as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I don't think it is I that they are watching, Lady Ana," he replied before Arthur waved him over "Wish me luck," and with that he walked across the room.

With Merlin gone Lancelot came over to talk with Gwen and they left me to my thoughts. I smiled at seeing everyone happy for a moment despite all the chaos that's constantly around us. It wasn't a grand affair but at least it brought on an ounce of peace for the moment.

It was moments like this that made me think of home. Seeing as this is what the atmosphere was like most of the time. We are a very peaceful kingdom that truly doesn't have any enemies.

My parents rule over everyone fairly, making sure justice is served to those who've wronged us, but only after proven guilty. Not like how Uther just throws anyone in the dungeon who might have broken a rule, even without proof. And that is why his kingdom has many foes.

"You seem tired my lady, shall we retire for the evening?" Arthur asks bringing me out of my thoughts. I blinked before looking up at him, he was so close our noses almost touched. I didn't realize how tired I was until a yawn escaped my lips and I simply nodded my head.

"I suppose we can't stay here all night," I say gazing into his crystal blue eyes, almost getting lost in them. He gently took my arm and lead me off to our chambers. My head rested on his shoulder as we walked, it was too much effort to try keeping it up as my eye lids drooped.

All I remember before completely nodding off, was him gently picking me up. One hand resting under my knees while the other supported my back, and that's how he carried me off to sleep. Like how a husband carried his new bride home after their wedding......

Hey I'm terribly sorry for the extremely long wait for this chapter. It has taken me a few weeks to write because I just couldn't get any ideas flowing for it. Hope I can't get back into this story regularly again as I really like writing it. Again sorry for the delay and I hope you enjoy it


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