Chapter 9

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Mia had gotten me ready for the party tonight. I wasn't really in the mood for being showed off to everyone, like I was some walking painting. Then again, I never really was. I hated being the center of attention but I had to attend anyway. Thankfully she didn't put me in heels.

My dress was red and gold. The colours of the Pendragon crest and it stopped at my ankles. The bodice was made of different types of lace and had some straps around my neck. It was shoulder less.

My golden curls were down, my tiara adorned my head. It settled nicely into my hair.

"Let's get this over with," I sighed earning a laugh from Mia as she escorted me to the feast hall.

"I've been meaning to ask you, did you see what Merlin did at the fight?" She asks, making sure nobody was around as we walked down the steps. I had to pick up the end of my dress slightly so I didn't trip. That wouldn't be good.

"Briefly yes, but there's no denying what he did," I explained knowing exactly what she was implying.

"Thank the gods for him. If he hadn't figured something out, I think tonight would've gone differently," she admits as we approached the vast doors. Chatter could be heard inside along with music.

"Got that right," I say as the guards opened the doors, making my presence known to everyone. Arthur was standing there waiting, very unamused by everything. But I couldn't blame him as I felt the very same.

He took my arm and we began making our way to the front of the room. Everyone cheering and congratulating Arthur for his win. They also have praise to our engagement.

"I told you he was using magic," I say when we get to the head of the room and everyone went back to celebrating. "And I think you owe Merlin an apology,"

"Alright I'll admit you were right," he says rolling his eyes and he couldn't even look at me as he said it. Typical Arthur, can't even admit he's wrong without looking like a prick.

"That must pain you to admit you're wrong. But I'm glad things turned out alright. So I can kill you myself for stressing me out and putting up with your foolishness," I replied as I took a tart that was offered to me.

"Can I help?" Morgana's voice fills my ears as she came out of the crowd. A smirk on her face as she overheard our bickering.

"Sure, better chance at hiding his body," I joked playing along. Arthur's reaction wasn't very amusing thought which want any fun.

"Oh you both are incredibly funny," he huffed, rolling his eyes once again.

"Thanks it comes naturally," I say with a playful wink that only annoyed him more. Mission accomplished.

We talked so more when I spotted Merlin across the room. He was trying to blend in and not draw much attention to himself as he watched everyone interacting. I excused myself before making my way over. Hopefully Morgana and Arthur didn't kill eachother while I was gone.

"You look like you don't want to be here," I say causing him to look up. Blue eyes bright in the candle light.

"Nor do you Ana," he says with a shrug and a small smile.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked with a giggle as he nodded his head. "I just wanted to say that I saw you at the fight and wanted to tell you that your secret is safe with me,"

He tried acting normal as I spoke but he became jittery as he replied "I don't know what you're talking about,"

I giggled at his silliness "It's quite alright Merlin, magic is very common and acceptable in my kingdom. So I won't tell anyone," I reassured placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Ana. Does Uther know about that?" He asks referring to what I just told him.

"No and I'd like to keep it that way for the sake of everyone in my kingdom, especially my parents for utilising it and Mia's mother," I explained making sure nobody could hear us, however nobody was paying us any mind.

"Your secret is safe with me," he says before going off to talk to Arthur. Maybe he'll get his job back, that would be wonderful.

The rest of the night was filled with loud music and chatter. People danced around the hall as the night carried on. Some were totally drunk and couldn't stand on their feet that well, but they seemed to be having a good time none the less.

I decided to retire early after such along day. I waited until there weren't eyes on me before making my escape. I walked back to my room and changed into my night gown. Crawled under the blanket and closed my eyes. All the stress from the last few days leaving my body as I drifted off to sleep......

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