Chapter 21

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It was wishful thinking for me to believe that things would calm down around here. But that would make life easier for us all. I was sitting at my vanity brushing my hair, my night dress was still on as I awaited Mia to bring back hot water for a bath. Arthur was still in bed, as Merlin hadn't came to wake him yet. Although I didn't blame him, Arthur was quite cranky in the morning.

"Ana! Ana, it's Morgana she's not waking up!" Gwen rushed into the room with Mia on her tail. The urgent plea in her voice caused me to drop my brush. It clattered into the table, and Arthur began to stir from the commotion.

"Is she breathing?" I asked hastily standing up and running towards my changing screen, slipping off my night gown and throwing a tunic over my head along with legging on my legs.

"Shallowly but yes," she replied as Merlin rushed into the room to get Arthur. We didn't stay to wait as the three of us rushed towards her chambers. Upon getting there I saw Gaius already attending to her. She looked so lifeless.

"Any diagnosis yet?" I asked offering up aid on how to treat this unexpected illness. There were no outer indications of ailment, meaning it was internal. Those illnesses were harder to treat seeing as there wasn't a way to actually see inside unless we cut her open. Which was out of the question.

"I'm trying a few things however it's hard to tell at this stage. I'm thinking inflammation in her brain, so I'll treat her for that. Won't know if treatment works until a few days later," he replied examining the lady. She really didn't look too good and I didn't want to think the worst of the situation but I'm not sure she'd survive this.

"That's a good start, we'll leave you to it. I'm sure Gwen however would like to stay here," I replied rubbing the maids shoulder. She gave me a tiny smile before sitting on the edge of the bed. A sad look in her eyes.

Mia and I made it back to my chambers to find Arthur gone. He was most likely talking things over with Uther, hoping this issue could be solved. However my senses told me that the only cure for this illness would be magic. Which was out of the question. All I can do is pray for her recovery.

Two days have passed and the poor girl isn't getting better. Gaius has done his best to preserve her life as best as he could. But it was only a matter of time before she unfortunately died. There was no treatment for her. The thought had saddened me as she was like the big sister I had always wanted. We haven't told anyone in the kingdom of her illness, hoping she'd be cured. But alas we'd have to tell them of her passing, any day now.

Everyone was on edge about the whole thing. Especially Uther since Morgana is like a daughter to him. Poor Gaius had his work cut out for him, but nothing seemed to be working out for him. Even I can't explain what's wrong with her. Gaius's use of yarrow and rosemary have slowed things down, yet there was nothing else he could do. I feared all hope was lost.

Arthur and I were walking down the main castle steps, needing a breather from everything. I gave Mia some time for her do whatever she'd like. She offered to stay with Gwen to watch over Morgana, and Merlin was off helping Gaius with more remedies. The sorcerer offering up using magic to help, but after what happened with Tom and Edmund it was too risky.

The was a man standing at the bottom of the steps. A cloak resting upon his shoulders, obscuring his face. Half of it was scarred badly, from a terrible accident no doubt. They looked like tendrils of fire dancing across his skin. Maybe he got too close to a fire one day and the worst happened.

"Did you need something Sir?" I asked as we were about to pass. My arm looped around Arthur's as we walked.

"A meeting with the king if you'd please," he replied with a pleading look. Whatever he wanted Uther for, seemed highly urgent and important to the man.

"I'm sorry but the king doesn't wish to see anyone today, perhaps another time," I say as Arthur began escorting me across the courtyard. Something seemed off with him, and it most likely had to do with Morgana being ill. She is like a sister to him afterall. Not the he'd ever admit it, stubborn mule.

"I've heard the Lady Morgana is gravely ill. I've got a remedy to cure all ills," the man says causing us to turn around. Shocked at what he said.

How'd he know about Morgana? Only those closest to her knew, as the information was not yet made public. And a remedy to cure all ills, well something like that didn't just exist. Not without the use of magic, which is forbidden in this kingdom. Unless you're Merlin, who sometimes isn't so careful. Truely it was shocking just how oblivious everyone was to his magic.

"That is none of your concern, and we already have a physician looking after her," Arthur declared done with the matter. Although he didn't have to be so rude.

"I'll be at the inn should you change your mind," the man says walking towards the town, and we made our way to the other side of the courtyard.

The sounds of our footsteps were the only noises around. Once and awhile a maid would walk past, greeting us as they went. I'd return the gesture, Arthur however kept his eyes forward. Not daring to look at anyone.

Once back in our chambers I was sat at the table, thinking things over. Arthur chose to sit in a chair facing the fire. Merlin was now with us and kept pacing uncontrollably between the table and the bed. The sound was rather annoying not that I'd say anything about it.

"If you pace anymore Merlin there will be a permanent line chipped into the floor," I voiced hoping he'd stop after realising what he was doing, seeing as I believed he was lost in his thoughts.

"Would you stop pacing Merlin, you're making me anxious," Arthur states as Merlin mumbled to himself about not being nervous and how everything was going to be absolutely fine. Once he sat down Arthur got up and paced in front of the fire.

He spent the majority of the night doing that while Merlin and I stared aimlessly into the dancing flames of the fire. Hoping for a miracle.

Maybe things will get better......

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