Chapter 10

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It seems that Camelot can never catch a break, no matter the situation. Its like as soon as one problem is solved, usually with the help of Merlin, another one creeps up out of the shadows. Most of the time it's people who have it out for Uther, where as other times it's creatures that you'd never imagine were real.

In this case, it's a plague that seems to be unknown to Gaius. Of course there has only been a few people found today with it. But I fear the worst since nobody can decipher how it's spread.

I was worried about everyone, so I made my way to Gaius's chambers in hopes of being able to help. Naturally seeing harm come to anyone makes me immediately want to take action. I can be impulsive at times but my father always said that in most cases it was a good thing.

The door opened swiftly after I knocked gently upon it. Loud enough to be heard but quiet enough not to disturb Gaius from his work. Merlin greeted me with a smile.

"How can I help you Lady Ana?" He asks opening the door, stepping to the side to let me through.

"I'd like to help figure this out, if it's not a bother," I explained looking at the poor body on the table. The skin was a bluish colour and their lips were cracked, almost like the illness dried out the skin.

"I didn't know you knew anything about medicine and all that," he says watching Gaius as he desperately tried ways of finding a cure.

"Mother always said knowledge was meant to be shared amongst us all. You never know when you might need it. So she had me study it when I was little. Even when I came here, I still studied it," I explained giggling slightly at Merlin who seemed scared at touching the body.

"You are full of surprises, it's no wonder Arthur talks very fondly about you," Merlin replies making a funny face as Gaius tested the acid from the bodies stomach, the contents a vomit colour.

"Maybe it's spread by water, since by contact is ruled out due to social status. One thing we all share is water," I concluded after looking over the other bodies and seeing if there was anything else to compare. Then I turned back to Merlin "Arthur talks about me?" I felt my cheeks heat up from his confession.

"I think you may be right Ana, such a clever girl," Gaius praised before leaving to get a sample of the water. Which just left Merlin and I in the room.

"Oh he never stops talking about you. I think he's starting to fall for you. I don't know how to explain it but you really do make him a better person. He gets really upset when he disappoints you. Really beats himself up about it," Merlin says with a goofy smile as he gently nudged my shoulder. "Don't tell him I told you all that, he'll kill me for sure,"

I laughed, the smile never leaving my face "I'd never tell him since I wouldn't want you getting into trouble. However I know he wouldn't kill you because you're my friend and he sees you as one too," 

Our talk was brought short as Gaius came back into the room holding a small vial of water. He came over and placed a flower, which I now noticed was in Merlin's scarf, into it.

He noticed me looking at him and blushed as I wiggled my eyebrows "Gwen gave it to me," he states turning his head to the side.

I smiled giving him a playful wink. Gaius said that it would take time to prove it was spread through water. He told us to stay clear of it and thanked me for my input. With that I took my leave.


I decided to take a walk after leaving Gaius and Merlin to figure things out, before heading back to my chambers.

I entered the room to see Arthur just about to take a drink of water. Everything happened so fast, it was almost like time slowed down. I rushed forward and swatted the goblet out of his hand, leaving him stunned from my sudden outburst. The goblet fell from his hand and clashed to the floor with a small thud. Water spilling out onto the cobblestones.

"Ana what did you do that for?" Arthur questioned staring at me with wide eyes as I quickly moved the jug of water away from him.

"Yeah, sorry about that Arthur," I say sitting down in the chair across from him "It's just Gaius and I have concluded that the illness is spread through the water, so please don't drink it and stop others from doing so when you can," I say explaining my actions.

"So something has poisoned the water?" He asks, eyes holding concern for his people. It pained us all to see them suffering, but none showed more concern than Arthur, Morgana and I. We cared deeply for everyone in Camelot.

"It's not a poison I've ever seen, and I'm sure Gaius hasn't seen it either. But one thing is certain, whoever did this is no friend of Camelot," I replied fiddling with the ends of my hair, it was something I tended to do when anxious or nervous.

He reached forward, taking my hand in his. Resting them both upon the table. He began brushing his thumb across the back of my hand, it was rather soothing.

"Try not to worry too much Ana, if anyone can figure this out it's Gaius," he says eyes locking with mine. It was hard to describe the emotion held within, but it was one I hadn't seen within his eyes before.

I was about to reply when the service door flung open and in ran Mia. Tears ran down her face as she dashed towards us.

"Is everything alright sweetie?" I asked gently removing my hand from Arthur's. We both stood up together as Mia stopped before us.

"It's Edmund, he's got the illness," she says in between sobs "and so does Gwen's father Tom,"

I felt Arthur take my hand once again as my heart sank. My little brother was going to die, and I'd lose him forever. My brain couldn't comprehend much as I too began crying. Not remembering much apart from being pulled into a strong set of arms. My world falling apart before me.......

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