Chapter 25

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You'd think that by now I was use to all the shenanigans and what not that happened around the castle. But more and more each day I'm proven wrong on all accounts. I was having breakfast with Morgana when all of a sudden Merlin bursts through the door, without knocking. A young boy stood at his side, in a green cloak.

"Did you forget how to knock Merlin?" Morgana asked, shocked by the man's rash behaviour. He gave us all a pleading look, gazing down at the boy.

"The guards are after him, I didn't know where else to go," he states and my heart dropped. If Uther was after such a young child, it wasn't good. If he caught him, the boy would be executed in the square. Meaning he was of magic. The guards began knocking on the door as Morgana ushered them to hide behind the curtain.

Seeing as I was closest to the door I went and opened it. After making sure Merlin and the boy were well hidden. The guards would only come search the room, if ordered to. So as long as they stayed where they were, the guards wouldn't have a reason to enter.

"Princess," they greeted nodding their heads out of respect, then doing the same for Morgana "My lady we're looking for a young druid boy, it was believed that he came this way,"

Morgana smiled at them "We haven't seen anything. It's just us and our maids," the guards nodded telling us to keep the door locked, before rushing off down the corridor.

Once out of sight the four of us rushed over to the other side of the room. Kneeling down I began examining the poor boy. He had a wounded arm, from the size of it as well as the depth I'd say it came from that of a sword. Meaning he'd gotten it whilst trying to escape the city. It was fresh, as well, meaning we'd need to move quickly to clean it out.

"Could I have some warm water, along with a cloth?" I asked Mia and she nodded before walking over to the table to grab the cloth. She sat a pitcher of water close to the fire to warm. Making sure it wasn't too close, since we didn't want it to catch fire.

I peeled back the fabric of his shirt, giving me a better look at what was going on. He flinched at the sudden touch, making me retract my hand.

"Sorry young one," I apologized brushing his hair out of his face, a fever already starting to take place and Mia came back with the stuff I asked for. Very gently I began cleaning off the surface of the skin where a lot of dried blood had accumulated.

"Why would Uther want to harm an innocent child?" Gwen asked as they all watched me try my best at helping the boy. Outside the sounds of a crowd could be heard, meaning an execution was about to commence.

"Because the man is blinded greatly by his hatred for magic that he doesn't realise just how beautiful it can be if used right," I exclaimed, peeking out the window to see Arthur stood on the balcony with his father. A sad expression on his face, meaning he too saw the unjust punishment as wrong. Druids are a peaceful people and haven't wronged anyone in the slightest. But Uther was never going to see reason, and that's the kind of King Camelot didn't need. And I'm sure everyone will love Arthur better when he became King.

Merlin stood watching out the window, not that he wanted too but he just wanted to see how things went. Morgana went over to peek out, watching as Uther spoke but turned away just before the death took place.

I stood as Mia took my spot, gently trying to sooth the boy. Who seemed to know what was happening, and seemed deeply upset. I dared looking out just as the executioner made the chop, killing the Druid man who hadn't done anything wrong. However in Uther's eyes all magical people were guilty and couldn't be proven innocent.

As the man died I heard what sounded like a boy screaming within my head. A smashing noise filled the room, and a shard of glass sliced my cheek. Glancing over to the broken mirror on the wall next to me. Luckily nobody else was harmed and my nick wasn't that bad.

Merlin looked at me with a worried expression. One I knew all too well, but I smiled nodding at the man.

"It's alright just a scratch, I've had worse wounds in battle," I state as the boy looked up at me with a horrid look. Probably thinking that I'd hurt him, as I might have thought he did it on purpose. "It's alright little one. Just an accident," I crouched down ruffling his hair, smiling at Morgana who had nestled into him to provide warmth. She would make a lovely mother one day.

After making sure everything was alright, and the wound was cleaned as best as I could. Mia and I had taken our leave venturing off back to my chambers. Where she began taking laundry to do, and left after gathering everything of mine that needed to be washed.

Arthur came into the room not long after, looking drain and just about done with his father. I walked over as he took a seat at the table, placing his head on his hand. Making a noise out of frustration. Very gently I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"There wasn't anything you could've done to save that man," I say, placing myself down next to him, his shoulders eased slightly at my touch, letting out a deep sigh.

"I want to stand by him because he's my father but most of his methods are so unorthodox yet I can't bring myself to hate him," he admitted looking over at me, a pained expression in his eyes.

"It's because he's your father and you love him dearly, as he does you. Despite all his faults you want to believe you can change him. Unfortunately I think he's too far gone to be changed," I explained and he grabbed my hand which seemed to calm him down. Luckily he hadn't noticed the cut on my cheek.

"You know you've always seen the best in me. Despite my past actions, why is that?" He asked with a curious look, offering up a small smile.

"I always knew deep down that you understood how wrong your father was and were only doing as he said so you could please him," I replied with a smile. He was about to kiss me when the guards yelled through the door. Saying Uther wished to speak to him, and he quickly left. Leaving me to my thoughts.

Hopefully the boy makes it, and we can get him out of the city.....

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