Chapter 11

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Time seemed to slow rapidly as everything sank in. My brother was going to die and there wasn't anything that could be done to save him. Asking Merlin was the last thing on my mind because having his death on my hands would be unforgivable. It was too risky if only Edmund and Tom were cured from this.

"Can you take me to see him?" I asked Arthur pulling my head away from his chest, glad that I hadn't gotten his shirt wet from my tears.

"Of course Ana," he says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before looping his arm with mine.

I grabbed Mia's hand leading her out with us. It was hard for me because Edmund is my little brother whom I'm very fond of and would miss dearly. But it must've been harder for her since I'm almost certain she's in love with him, and I know he feels the same way.

The air around us felt thick as we walked in a gloomy silence. The only sounds were the clicking of our shoes on the stone floor. It was getting dark so the torches along the walls were being ignited as we made our way to the room.

It hadn't taken very long and I gently knocked upon the wooden door as we approached. There wasn't an answer so I hesitantly pushed it open.

Morgana was knelt by the bed tending to his fever. A damp cloth in her hand. She looked up as we entered, a glum look etched into her porcelain skin.

"I'm gravely sorry Ana but it'll take him soon. There's nothing that can be done," she says voiced laced with empathy as I let go of Arthur's arm and walked forward with Mia. She sat by his head, running her fingers through his disheveled hair. Tears pouring down het face as she clutched his hand with her opened one.

"I just don't know how I'm gonna tell Mother, Father and Josiah this terrible news," I replied sitting at the edge by his feet. He looked just like the bodies in Gaius's chambers, with the tinted blue skin and cracked lips. The only difference were his shallow breaths.

"We'll write to them in the morning, after things settle down," Arthur says as he stood at the end of the bed. It pained him to see a fellow knight like this. His knights were like brothers to him.

We stayed in the room for a few more minutes before leaving to retire for the night. Mia was reluctant to leave, wanting to stay by his side but knew what would happen when she woke in the morning.

I gave her the night off and got ready for bed. Arthur crawled in next to me and I feel asleep as soon as the candle went out. We slept soundly completely unaware of Merlin taking action behind the scenes.


The sound of frantic knocking on the door is what I woke up too the next morning. I knew it wasn't Mia as she and Merlin use the service door and only make noise if they want to wake us up. Well in Mia's case. Merlin on the other hand is quite clumsy at times.

My eyes snapped open as I removed Arthur's arm from around me. I didn't even have time to fathom the fact that his arm had been around me, as I got up and made my way to the door.

With some effort I opened the door wiping the sleep from my eyes. They focused on the person who was standing there and my eyes widened when I saw him.

"Edmund," I exclaimed flinging my arms around him. He looked completely healthy and back to normal.

"It was Merlin," he whispered in my ear. So he knew about Merlin too. I know Edmund wouldn't tell anyone but it was risky what Merlin did.

People know Tom and Edmund had the illness so it's gonna be anarchy when Uther hears. He'll have this place locked down trying to find the sorcerer. Someone innocent could get blamed for this.

"What was he thinking," I say pulling away and looking up at him.

"He did it for you, Mia and Gwen no doubt," he says and our reunion was stopped by shuffling from behind me.

"Edmund," Arthur says as he came up behind me. His expression was the same as mine, shocked from seeing Edmund looking like himself despite looking so sick last night. "How are you standing?"

"I really don't know sire. All I remember is going to sleep after you all left and I awoke feeling great," Edmund lied knowing full well how he got better.

"So there wasn't anyone else in the room with you?" Arthur asks knowing that magic must've healed him.

"Just me, my lord" Edmund replies with a soft smile. He ruffled up my hair slightly just to bug me.

We both laughed before Arthur pulled him into a hug. Glad that he didn't have to lose a wonderful knight afterall. They were just pulling away when Mia came into the room through the service door. Ready to do her daily routine. She flung her eyes about the room when she noticed the bed was empty.

Her eyes widened when she was my brother but quickly rushed forward. Enveloping him into a bear hug. Tears of joy ran down her face.

Edmund wrapped his arms around her, spinning both in a circle. He set her down after a few seconds placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Just then Morgana came into the room, still in her night gown. Tears were running down her face.

"They've arrested Gwen thinking that she's a sorceress. We've got to do something,"


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