Chapter 29

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The court was standing in the throne room as Merlin's mother stood before us. She was pleading for our aid, hoping to help her village with a bandit problem. My heart ached for her upon seeing the bruise of her cheek, knowing that a man had done it to her.

"I'm sorry but for Camelot to lead an army into Cenrid's kingdom, it would be seen as an act of war," Uther states, almost looking bored from the conversation that was going on.

"Surely you could spare a few knights your Grace," I state looking over at him from my spot next to Morgana, who was about done with Uther's lack of empathy for things.

"It's not that I can't Ana, but we've made a peace deal between our kingdoms, it would be the same as marching through your kingdom with an army of men. Your father would see it as an act of war, if I didn't send word of my arrival before hand. Seeing as such, in this case there wouldn't be any time for that," he explained looking back at Merlin's mother who looked on the verge of losing all hope.

"Not even if we just sent a few in stealthily?" Arthur backed me up looking upon the king. You could see that he too was fed up with the king's lack of reason.

"I'm afraid not," Uther replied as Morgana helped the pleading woman off the floor, a look of disappointment in her eyes. Edmund shared a look with me from his spot next to Arthur, and I knew he was willing to help out Merlin. Just like Mia, Gwen, Morgana and I were.

As everyone exited the room Arthur went out onto the training grounds to look out over the city. You could tell that if it were up to him, we'd be on our way to the village no questions asked.

"Gather some supplies and meet me at Gwen's house," Morgana whispered into my ear before rushing off to her chambers. And I trudged back to mine, as soon as I got there Mia had some riding clothes laid out for me, as well as some armour, my bow and quiver and some other essentials.

"I assume you're coming along as well, the more hands the better," I asked quickly changing into a red tunic with a corset over top, and some black leggings.

"After all that Merlin's done for us, I'd say it's time to return some of the favours," she states helping shove things into a sack before we met up with Edmund and entered Gwen's house, Morgana was already waiting for us along with Gwen and Merlin.

"Guys you really don't have to do this for me," he says although there's a smile on his face none the less.

"Nonsense, after everything you've gone for us all its time we helped you," I state and with that we began our journey to the village where he grew up.

Totally forgetting the fact that I hadn't told Arthur where I was going.

It was now night time and we had stopped for some sleep. I sat by the fire watching as Merlin stoked it with a stick he had found, his mother Hunith sat next to him. Whispering away into the night. Edmund, Mia, Gwen and Morgana were all sleeping soundly.

"It's alright Mum really. Ana, Mia and Edmund all know about me. However they've sworn it keep it a secret," Merlin says to his mother, garnering my attention as I turned to look at them. Merlin was giving me the back me up here look.

"Oh yes, people like Merlin are freely accepted in my kingdom. In fact Mia's mother has also been born with such gifts and we'd never tell anyone. Having witnessed far too many wrongful deaths," I admit hoping to ease the tense that now filled the air. Once she was sure of my word, she too went to lay down.

Merlin followed suit not long after, I however stayed up for awhile longer. Just to make sure everything was safe, only when I was about to drift off, the sound of a horse galloping filled my ears.

Merlin drifted awake grabbing his sword, which looked awkward in his hands. Meanwhile I opted for my bow, slinging the quicker over my shoulder, setting an arrow at the ready. He went one way and I the other, trying to scope out the noise.

My eyes were peeled for any kind of movement but everything looked fine where I was. That was until I heard a shout and took off running towards the noise, bow at the ready. However a sigh left my lips as I took in the sight of Arthur.

"Took you long enough to catch up," I joked knowing that he'd eventually find his way to us. I knew he wouldn't let something like this go.

"What gave you the impression that I would follow?" He asked turning around, putting his sword away. Eyes scanning me for any injuries, as he always did. Especially after finding me when we get separated.

"Because you'd do anything for Merlin," I teased, making his cheeks flush. Merlin chuckled at his expression, which was amusing to say the least.

"Why would I do that, he's annoying and never does anything right," he tried defending himself but Merlin and I both knew that Arthur was a terrible liar. He might complain about Merlin all the time, but he considered the young warlock to be a friend. Even if he wouldn't admit it to himself.

"Oh so this doesn't partially have anything to do with the fact that he wasn't planning on coming back to Camelot? Huh, not even a little," I replied with a giggle, knowing I hit a small nerve but it was fun teasing him.

"I hate you Ana," he retorts rolling his eyes before walking towards the camp, Merlin chuckled and we both began following.

"That's not what you told me the other day," I replied to his retreating figure, his laugh filled the air, easing the small amount tension.

We all went to get some sleep not long after that. Needing all the rest we could get in case something goes down tomorrow......

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