Chapter 26

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It was the next morning and I got called to Morgana's room. Which I rushed over to as soon as I finished dressing, considering I had guessed it was about the poor druid boy. I had helped him as best as I could given what I had on me, but his condition must've worsened without the proper medicines, which I didn't have access to unless attending to people with Gaius.

As I arrived Merlin was just coming up to the door as well, a worried expression on his face. He had a bunch of herbs and ointments with him, which he definitely plucked up from Gaius's stocks. Hopefully the physician wouldn't notice the lack of supplies he had.

"It mustn't be good if she summoned for me at such haste," I tell the man who nodded his head, wrapping his knuckles gently on the door.

"That it must Ana, I've brought everything I could think of to help. But knowledge such as this isn't my strong suit and unfortunately I can't help the boy in my usual sort of way," he explained as the door opened to reveal a worried Morgana. The fear on her face said it all as she let us into her chamber.

"His fever has spiked greatly and I'm not sure what we should do. We might have to tell Gaius, he could help," she states leading us off to where the poor boy was nestled into blankets on the floor.

"I know for a fact that he wouldn't. He suspects me enough as it is, we couldn't ask him to risk everything," Merlin states bringing out everything he brought with him. From the looks of it, well it wasn't much to heal a wound, much less an infected one.

I crouched by the boy with a cold damp cloth, placing it just above his brow. Merlin had joined me with the herbs, trying to see what would help the boy. The sorcerer and I shared a look before I too check over the things brought. There was a few things that could help, which I pointed out and he quickly began making a sort of paste. Placing it over the concerning area.

"Thank you Emrys and Celestia," a soft voice said in my head. Causing a shiver to run through me, it was an odd sort of feeling to say the least.

"Why do you call us that?" Merlin asked the boy through his thoughts, which I also heard within my head. It was strange if I must say.

"That is what you are known as amongst my people," he replied offering up a small smile, I returned it gently patting his hair before we were disturbed by a knock upon the door.

Morgana rushed over to it, and I followed suit. Making sure the curtain was closed tight, in case someone entered the room. The raven haired lady opened the door to see the rather bored face of my fiancee, who looked as if he'd rather be doing something different. He had that look quite a lot, to be honest.

"Arthur what do I owe the unfortunate pleasure," she scoffed her voice containing a bit of annoyance, as a means of getting on his nerves. Which she took pride in doing everyday.

"My father has ordered for the entire city and surrounding areas be searched for the Druid boy, believe me I'd rather not have to do this," Arthur went on to enter the room, his eyes glancing about the room.

"Well I'm not having you search through my things," she defended glaring at the man as he tried searching the room.

As per usual the two began bickering back and forth much how siblings would. It often reminded me of times when Edmund and Josiah would argue over the smallest of things. Which was often times amusing for me to watch.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the boys boots were out in a noticeable place. They suddenly began moving, tiptoeing towards Merlin, that was until Arthur turned making them hide behind a pillar. To which they eventually made it behind the curtain.

"You know I'll save you the trouble, he's behind the screen," Morgana blurted out rather sarcastically, knowing Arthur wouldn't go check. Since he thought she was just joking around as a means to get him to leave. I didn't let the statement bother me considering she'd never purposely expose us for treason.

"Alright I'll go, I haven't the time for your tricks," he states with a scoff, and as he was walking towards the door, he grabbed my hand. Leading me along with him, "And I'm taking my future Queen with me," he called out over his shoulder causing me to giggle. I made a hasty goodbye, subtly wishing her luck with the boy as I was lead off down the hall.

Whilst away from everything it turned out Morgana planned to escape with the boy. Bringing him back to his people since he couldn't stay here as he was wanted. They somehow managed to get the aid of Gaius and as soon as the boy was rested enough they tried leaving.

Of course things didn't go too well as Arthur caught her. Which left the king distraught that his own Ward would go against his wishes to help a person of magic. The thing he very well hated the most in this world.

"So when she said the boy was behind the screen yesterday. She actually meant it?" Arthur asked as we sat the table in our chambers, trying to find a way to maybe free Morgana, and get back on Uther's good side.

"Yes he really was. Poor thing was wounded, he's just a child love. We must get him back to his people, they must be worried sick about him," I replied feeling bad that I lied to him, but it was only to protect the child as well as everyone involved with helping him.

"What are we going to do Ana? It's not like we could make Morgana apologize to my father as a means to distract him whilst we break the child out through the tunnels," he exclaimed waving is hands about in an exaggerated manner, and I smirked at the idea he just gave me.

"That could work, we'd need Merlin there to open the gate at the end of it. I know Morgana would do anything to see the boy out of the castle safely," I replied and he looked at me as if I were crazy in this moment.

"You're lucky I love you and think my father's ways are wrong," he states before going off to convince Merlin and Morgana on the whole matter. Which I knew they'd agree too.

It had been a few hours now and both were on board with everything. Morgana was off trying to make amends with the king although she's not happy with him for locking her up. As she should be, since the king had been so cruel as to do so.

Arthur was distracting the guards as I quickly unlocked the cell door. The boy looked frightened but seemed to ease when he saw it was me.

"It's alright little one, I'm here to help you. I've sent word to your people and they are waiting for you," I explained holding out my hand gently, which he took offering up a small smile.

As we exited Arthur came over slowly, showing the boy he could trust him. And he began leading us down the tunnels that would lead us out of the city. If we could make it to the end, we'd be clear to take him to the druids.

Of course they were hard to navigate and I heard guards rushing behind us. As they realised that the boy was now gone. My heart clenched as we reached the end, not seeing Merlin there at the ready. Panic began setting in, if he didn't get here quick we were all dead meat. Quite literally, well maybe not Arthur.

"Come on where is he," Arthur mumbled to himself shaking the gate in frustration. But just as the guards were entering our tunnel, the gate popped off and the smiling face of Merlin greeted us.

"Thank god," I sighed ushering the boy over to the horse. I lifted him onto mine, getting on behind him and Arthur got on his. Telling Merlin to get away from the gate before leading us off to where we were met the druids.

Turns out they weren't too far away, about a couple hours out. And they were happy to have the boy back with them.

"You kindness has touched us greatly Prince Arthur and Princess Anastasia. We shall remember it," a man says greeting us at the entrance to their village. It wasn't much, but it felt like a home.

"We do not stand such an injustice and believe everyone is innocent unless proven otherwise. I'm greatly sorry for your loss but at least we could get this young one back to you," I state hopping off the horse, aiding the boy as he rushed over giving thean a hug.

"Could we at least get your name, after everything that's happened," Arthur asked the boy who had started running off but turned on his heels.

"My name is Mordred," he exclaimed before continuing on his way. And with that the two of us made the journey back to the castle.

And I had alot to tell Edmund and Mia when I get back....

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