Chapter 28

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This was the first time I'd ever seen a wraith, and the only reason Edmund and I knew about them was due to Mia's mother teaching us about things like that. How to deal with magic should it ever become a problem for us, not that any of us could do magic. You see Mia's mother is like Merlin and had been born with her magic. It was not something she worked hard perfecting. As it was all natural.

Despite never seeing one in person I did know that nothing could kill it, at least no mortal weapon. Magic that powerful can only be undone by something more powerful, like a blade forged from dragon fire. If only there were any left. Uther hunted them to extinction, like most magical things.

As of right now everyone was watching Sir Pellinor fighting the beast and this time Morgana and Gwen saw the sword go into it. Yet was completely unbothered by it. As if cold steel hadn't just penetrated its corpse.

Just like the previous fight the wraith won, ending the life of another noble knight. Nothing could prepare me for what happened next. Arthur had flung his gauntlet at the mystery knights feet, setting his own challenge. Once again disobeying his father's orders but proving himself to the kingdom. Not that he needed to do that.

"This isn't going to end well," the voice of Merlin whispered in my ear. After Edmund and I had our realization we immediately told Merlin and Gaius what we were dealing with.

"Did you find out who it might be?" I asked turning my attention away from the look of disappointment on Uther's face.

"Arthur's uncle. He had a vendetta against Uther after Arthur's mother died in childbirth. Blames Uther for killing his sister," he replied with a sad look. Knowing now that the target was in fact Uther.

"You realise no man made weapon can kill it," I informed him but he gave me a reassuring look. One that also said not to ask questions.

"Leave that to me, since I know for a fact nothing will get him to call this off. Given the fact he set the challenge himself," Merlin smirked, knowing something that I didn't. However I wasn't going to question him on the matter. If he found a means of killing the undead, then who am I to question how he came up with a solution. Sometimes certain things were best left unknown.

It had been a few hours since Arthur challenged his long dead uncle. Although of course he hadn't known that it truely was his mother's brother, in his eyes the man had been a threat to the kingdom. And once more he was going to do everything he could to protect his people. A trait that I had always admired about him, although at times it was an annoying trait to deal with. Yet I could be the very same.

"You've been silent this whole day. You're not seriously mad at me for declaring the challenge?" Arthur's voice filled my ears as he stood by the window, looking out into the courtyard  where the black knight stayed, not even moving to get something to eat. Which should be an indicator that it was no longer human.

"It's not anger that I feel at this moment. More of a deep sense of worry and fear for you. Clearly that thing isn't a man anymore. I mean you saw the sword go into it, not a speck of blood came out of the wound," I replied making my way to stand beside him. His gaze turned from the window and onto me.

"You needn't worry about me Ana. Nothing is going to change my mind, but you have nothing to worry about. I'll be fine, luck usually tends to be on my side," he reassured tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Luck? Yeah more like Merlin!

"How could you be so sure this time. One of these times you're going to go out and fight, only you won't come back when the battle is over. I couldn't possibly fathom the idea of you dying. I'd become a shell of the Lady I once was, were that to happen," I voiced one of my deepest fears, looking up at him with cloudy eyes. Trying my best to keep it together, if not for my sake than for his.

He wrapped his arms around me, bringing my head to rest against his chest. His fingers began running through my hair, as he did his best to comfort me. We were interrupted when Gaius came into the room with a vial of something that clearly looked like a sleeping draught.

Seeing as Arthur nor I took any aid for sleep, I'd say this had been Uther's doing. One final attempt at getting Arthur to listen, since reason wasn't working in this case.

The two began talking as I prepared for bed, resting my head against the pillow. I laid there gazing up at the ceiling and soon Arthur was laying next to me. Complaining about the taste of the concoction, which he thought was going to help his performance tomorrow. Alas it was to prevent him from attending. And as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, eyelids fluttering closed, Gaius looked at me placing a finger on his lips as he made his way out of the room.

The lock clicked not long after his departure and I let out a sigh of relief. Now I really didn't have to worry about Arthur meeting his end tomorrow. Hopefully now Merlin had a way of ridding us of the Wraith, and this time for good.


I awoke in the morning to the sound of banging on the door, as well as the distance clanging noise of a duel. Sitting up my eyes took in the disgruntled form of Arthur as he banged his fist on the door. Screaming profanities about being locked in the room.

My bare feet met the cold stone floor as I walked over to him, taking his hand before he could hurt himself. His eyes softened upon seeing me, a sigh of defeat escaping his lips.

"It appears pointless everyone is down at the battle stadium. Nobody is out there," I informed, having gazed out the window as I strayed from the bed.

"If I'm trapped here then who is fighting in my stead?" He asked before walking to the window, I followed suit. Gently peeking around his shoulder, eyes widened at the person taking Arthur's place. It appears Uther had thrown away his tough demeanor, usually hiding behind his knights, just to fight to protect his son. However one good act wouldn't counter all the other terrible things his has done against those of magical lineage.

"He may be harsh on you at times, but even I'll admit that he loves you deeply," I say watching as the king managed a finishing blow, only this time the wraith stayed down.

It was over, and Merlin once again came through. It always pained me that he never truely for the recognition he deserved. Considering he's saved the kingdom numerous times in just a short while. If only things were different, then he would be able to live without fear and actually get to stop hiding who he really is.

A great sorcerer.....

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