Chapter 5

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Tomorrow is the start of the annual combat tournament so knights have been coming in from all over the kingdom. I enjoyed watching the fighting, however I didn't like the way some of the knights talked to me. Most were very gallant, but some were just a tad rude.

Today was Merlin's first day as Arthur's servant. Poor Merlin. I'm pretty sure that Arthur left his side of the room a mess just so Merlin could clean it. That's the difference between us. I left my side nice and tidy to make Mia's job easier.

I had just left my chambers and was walking down to the main entrance of the castle. Mia was walking alongside me, we invited Morgana but she was having breakfast with Uther. Which was alright.

We made our way down the steps, my lilac dress was just short enough that I didn't have to lift it up from touching the stones. My hair was down again, and I wasn't wearing my tiara since I didn't have to wear it all the time.

As we reached the bottom step a white horse came through the gates. Everyone else wasn't too phased by it, however I recognized that horse anywhere. It belonged to my younger brother.

"EDMUND!" I called out making my way over as he dismounted. He turned at the mention of his name, eyes widened as a smile crept on his face when he saw me.

"ANASTASIA!" He yelled as I ran into his arms. He picked me up spinning us in a circle and it was like we were young again.

He is only 2 years younger than me, and the baby of the family, yet he towered over me. Tall just like father and Josiah. It's been a year since I last saw him and I couldn't help but notice how much he changed. His dark brown hair was a bit longer and swept across his forehead, his blue eyes were more vibrant and he looked like a younger version of our Father.

"What brings you here?" I asked excitedly as we pulled away, a big smile on my face.

"Father has sent me to come live with you. King Uther has agreed to have me become a knight of Camelot," he states as a stable boy came over and brought Edmund's horse Spirit to the stable.

"Really! That's wonderful," I say proudly, if anyone could pass Arthur's test to knighthood, it was my little brother "So you're coming to watch the tournament tomorrow?"

He laughed tucking a stand of hair behind me ear "I wouldn't miss it sister,"

We talked some more before Edmund had to take his leave to discuss something's with the king. But not before he greeted Mia, saying it was lovely to see her again. You see he really liked her, and in my kingdom something like that was quite alright. However here in Camelot it's not permitted for a royal to feel that way towards anyone below them. But I can change that when I become queen.


Mia and I spent some more time just walking around and enjoying seeing all of the people. We were making our way back from a walk through the town when we saw Merlin making his way towards Gaius's place. A mountain of armour in his arms, he was definitely struggling.

"Would you like some help Merlin?" I asked making my way over and he turned slightly offering a small smile.

"No I'm alright Princess," he says almost dropping the helmet, I just giggled before taking a few things out of his arms, Mia helping too.

"It's quite alright Merlin, we're not busy," I reassured leading the way to Gaius's chambers.

"Thanks My Lady," he says bowing his head slightly.

"No need for formalities Merlin, please call me Ana," I state opening the door and walking through.

"I've been wondering how a girl as kind as you could be engaged to a guy like Arthur," he says as we placed the armour on the table, making Giaus look up from his book.

"It's not by choice I'll tell you that, but he wasn't always like this," I say placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You wouldn't happen to know someone who could help me learn about all this tournament stuff and where each piece of armour goes? Hopefully before the tournament tomorrow," he asked desperately, blue eyes pleading for an answer.

"Yeah Gwen can help you out with all that. She's the daughter of our blacksmith," I replied and he let out a sigh before thanking me. We exchanged a few more words before I had to leave to go meet all the knights fighting in the tournament. You see the winner takes me to the feast.

Wish me luck.


I'm not one to complain about anything but this was extremely boring. Standing here for hours next to Uther and Morgana as knights introduced themselves to us.

"You look extremely bored," Arthur's voice hit my ears causing me to look up.

I giggled "You would be to if you had to stand here for hours being gawked at," then let out a small huff.

"I don't understand why my father makes you do these things when he knows it's not your type of thing," he states tucking a strand of hair behind me ear, to avoid any unwanted attention for our guests, considering we're supposed to be in love and all that.

"If I knew the answer to that then it would help me sleep better at night. I just want to leave, they're all looking at me like in a expensive piece of jewelry or something," I admit as one of the last knights came over.

"It would be my pleasure to escort you to your chambers my lady," he says having a creepy smile "As well as the winning celebrations,"

As he said that he took my hand, placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles. The simple gesture that normal didn't mean anything made me feel ill.

"As kind as the offer is good sir, I'm sure Arthur and I can retire to our chambers without the aid," I politely declined although inside I felt revolted. He smiled before leaving to talk to the king.

"Well that guy seems creepy, I'd stay close to Edmund when walking around, just until the tournament is over," Arthur says glaring at the knight. He had a weird sort of aura to him, and Arthur seemed to pick up on it as well.

"Yeah, and it might be best if you tried your hardest to win. If I have to attend the celebrations with him, then I might just throw myself from our window," I declared giving him a hopeful look.

"Don't have to tell me twice Ana, what good would Camelot be without its future Queen," he says with a genuine smile. It was strange seeing him actually being genuine instead of cocky.

Maybe there is hope for him afterall....

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