Chapter 8

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Nothing really happened during my dinner with Edmund. We just caught up with eachother. Talked about things back home, like how Josiah was trying to find someone to marry. In my Kingdom, he could marry anyone he wanted too. No matter their status in society.

I found it cruel that here there were labels for everyone. We're all just people, it's not like we could choose the families we were born into. But here your status is highly important. In Willowstone none of that mattered, which is what I missed about home. That and seeing my family everyday.

My brother's and I were all very close, even if we hadn't fully grown up together. They were every protective of me when I was there visiting. Making sure nobody spoke ill of me. They also kept young boys in check, which was always funny to watch.

I had always known that I was to marry Arthur so those flirty comments and compliments never bothered me. But Josiah and Edmund made sure those boys knew that I was already betrothed to another.

I was ten when I moved to Camelot. It was scary at first, being in a place that was foreign to me. But Morgana had taken me around the palace and town. Showing me everything, and became my best friend from that day on. Of course Mia had come with me, so I had a piece of home with me.

Anyway after spending a few hours talking to Edmund, I made my way back to my room. It had been a long day and it was time to retire for the night. Mia had helped me prepare for bed and said goodnight before taking her leave to rest too.

Arthur wasn't in sight, meaning he was probably still dining with the knights and Uther. I didn't mind, however as I was still upset with him over screwing over Merlin. I couldn't believe he actually fired him, over something so stupid. Honestly I wish he'd just forget about his damn ego for once, it's like all he cares about is his reputation, which is stupid. He gets on my nerves so much.

With a huff, I flopped onto the bed and drifted off into a restless sleep..


I woke up feeling like a zombie. It had taken me forever just to fall asleep but even after falling asleep, I didn't stay that way. For the majority of the night, came the tossing and turning. Not being able to get comfortable despite the way I had been laying. Thoughts about what would happen in the morning plagued my mind. Making it impossible to settle down and rest.

"Ana you look exhausted," Mia says as I sat up, she began dabbing my face with a cold damp cloth. Arthur was asleep next to me, snoring softly.

"I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried," I explained. A yawn escaped my lips and I stretched out my tense muscles.

"It's about the fight, isn't it?" She asks pulling out a simple pink dress with shirt sleeves and matching flats.

I sighed getting out of the covers, making my way towards her "Of course it is. I believe Merlin and now Arthur is going to get severely hurt, if not killed because he won't be seen as a coward," I let out a small huff, crossing my arms.

"Hopefully Merlin will find a way to prove himself," she replies as we went behind the screen. She helped me into the dress, thankfully it wasn't too fancy and easy to put on. There wasn't any complicated lacing.

Once dressed I placed myself at the table. Mia began putting bread, fruits and a sausage on my plate. I poured myself a goblet of water before offering her a piece of bacon. She graciously took it then left to attend to a few things.

I sat in silence for awhile before Arthur began to stir. A tired groan escaped his lips as he stretched his arms, then sat up. The blanket falling into his lap, exposing his bare toned chest.

"Sleeping beauty has finally awoken," I joked taking in his sleepy appearance as he got up. Making his way over to the table. I'm guessing that he didn't hire Merlin back, considering he's not here. Poor Merlin.

"Well hearing you joke around is a good sign you're not mad at me," he states putting some food onto his plate. Pouring himself a goblet of water before tucking in.

"I'm not mad at you. Upset that you fired Merlin, yes. But not mad. Mostly worried actually," I admit plopping a few berries into my mouth. It was quiet for a second before he sighed.

"I told you everything is going to be fine, I promise," he says placing a gentle hand on-top of mine which was slightly shaking.

The look in his pale blue eyes was so sincere. My heart fluttered at the gesture which confused me. Why was I feeling like this? It was something I hadn't really experienced before, which made it a tad scary. Why must emotions be so confusing and scary?

"Nothing better happen or I'll kill you myself," I replied shaking the feeling aside as I eased the small amount of tension that had plagued the room.

"There's the sarcastic Ana everyone knows," he says offering up a genuine small before moving his hand and continued eating.


To say that I was nervous is completely an understatement. My hands kept shaking as I sat down to watch the final fight. Edmund placed a reassuring hand upon my shoulder, trying to make me feel better. But it didn't provide much comfort.

Uther began his speech, which unfortunately wasn't that long and the fighting commenced. Before everything happened Morgana had told me she tried her best to get Arthur to stand down. However he's too stubborn to see the danger he really was in. She too was worried for him, considering they were like siblings to one another.

Arthur was doing incredible, which eased my mind for the most part. However Valiant was just as good and able to keep up with Arthur's counter strikes.

He gained leverage over Arthur as he knocked the prince onto the ground. Luckily Arthur was quick to get back up and swung his shield, taking Valiant down. His helmet slipping off his head and rolled away in the dirt. Of course since Arthur is all about a fair fight, he took his helmet off. Leaving him no protection if Valiant went for a head shot.

He went to hit Arthur and from the corner of my eye, I saw Merlin standing off to the side. Hidden slightly by the stands. Eyes changing to a liquid gold color as he raised his hand slowly, muttering something as he looked at Valiant's shield. Everyone was too focused on the fight to notice the sorcerer that hide in plain sight.

Looking back at the fight I saw the snakes on Valiant's shield come to life, one missing since Merlin killed it. They slithered towards Arthur, and his eyes widened.

The whole kingdom gasped in shock, Merlin's predictions turning out to be true. They continued fighting as Arthur managed to kill both snakes. The only one left to defeat was Valiant. Although Arthur became pinned against the side of the stadium, sword knocked out of his hand along with his shield.

Without thinking Morgana grabbed Edmund's sword, getting Arthur's attention and throwing it to him. He caught it with some skill and managed to over take Valiant, killing him with a jab into the abdomen.

Everybody cheered as I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was even holding in. It was over. Now all I had to do was get through the feast.

Wish me luck....

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