Chapter 3

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The walk back to what is now our chambers, was terribly quiet. The only sound was my heels clicking across the stone floor and the swoosh of my dress as it whisked around from the breeze created from the speed I was walking.

This probably was the first time ever where Arthur and I were near eachother and not teasing or tormenting one another. Which was strange as it was something we'd always done around one another.

It didn't take very long to get to the room and Arthur opened the door. He stood to the side to let me pass through first. A gesture that surprised me none the less.

"Who knew you could act like a gentleman," I joked breaking the silence as I entered the room. It was just the same as it always was, only now it was mine as well. Something that would definitely take awhile to get accustomed to.

"It pains me that you think so low of me," he retorts closing the door behind him, to be even more dramatic he let out a heavy sigh.

"And it amazes me how little it takes to get on your nerves," I state adding a little wink before walking over to my things. It seemed they brought my cupboards and wardrobe over as well as my changing screen.

I opened my wardrobe pulling out my night gown. It was nothing fancy, just a baby blue dress made of silk that was thin. Also, since I usually overheat in the night, my night dresses were made with short sleeves and stopped just below my knees. I thought it pointless to wear a full length gown to bed.

Once my dress was obtained, I snuck behind my screen to prepare for bed. Unfortunately, I was wearing a dress that was done up with elegant lacing and I told Mia she could have the evening off to enjoy the festivities. Which left me to try and see behind me to undo the dress.

After a few minutes of struggling, I got fed up and couldn't take it much more. I just couldn't undo it by myself.

"Arthur, could you untie my lacing please?" I asked coming back out, my back facing him.

"Sure," he says and shortly after I felt his fingers pulling apart the bow that Mia tied at the back. It was a relief to be able to breathe better, since the dress was made like a corset. Luckily I don't have to wear actual ones, they are just so uncomfortable.

It didn't take long for Arthur to get the lacing undone. I thanked him and went back behind the screen quickly changing into my night gown. I hung up my dress before sitting at the vanity to take down my hair. This took about ten minutes, as I undid all the braids and picked all the flowers out setting them in a vase. Once all out my hair cascaded down my back in golden waves, that looked like liquid sunshine.

Now I was finally able to get some sleep. Getting up I saw Arthur already in the bed, shirtless. I wasn't going to lie, he was incredibly fit but I wasn't going to let that get me flustered. With some anxiousness, I crawled in next to him and prepared to lay down.

"You missed one," he says reaching forward taking a flower out of my hair. This time I did feel myself blush as I rested my hair against the pillows from my old room. Then we said goodnight to eachother and drifted off to sleep.


It was strange waking up in a bed that wasn't mine. Considering it had been my bed since I was a little girl. My parents thought it would be best if I grew up alongside Arthur. That way by the time of our wedding we wouldn't be total strangers, which is was usually happened. But Uther thought it was a great idea as well.

Another thing that would take time to grow accustomed too, would be seeing a mop of blonde hair on the pillow beside me. It freaked me out when I woke up, being as I forgot what happened the night before.

"Good morning princess," Mia says as she layed out a pink dress for me. Guess I still had to be formal. Good thing I didn't plan on sword training today or archery.

"Morning Mia," I greeted slipping my way out from the covers, the stone floor cold against my bare feet.

I made my way over to her and she helped me into the dress. This one didn't have much lacing which I was grateful for. She left my hair down and I put on flat shoes that matched the dress.

"Morgana has invited you to break your fast with her," Mia says once I was ready for the day.

I smiled "That sounds lovely," and with that we began the short walk to her room.

"I couldn't believe it when Gwen told me that Uther was asking you to share Arthur's chamber," she states as we walked together down the hall, not many people were around since it was early in the morning.

"You and me both dear. Considering our wedding is a long ways away," I replied with a sigh.

"It's quiet odd really. I know Uther has a plausible reason for it, however most days you can't stand Arthur, what if you kill him or something," she joked which eased the tension of the whole thing.

I laughed "I can guarantee that I wouldn't kill him, but if he annoys me then I won't hesitate not annoy him back,"

She smiled as we went up the steps to Morgana's room. I knocked gently on the door, after a few seconds Gwen opened the door, inviting us inside.

Morgana sat at her table, a breakfast of bacon and eggs layed out before her along with a fresh roll of bread and a bowl of freshly ripe fruits. A pitcher of water not far off.

"I heard you had an interesting night," Morgana smirked as I placed myself across from her.

"I'd have rather spent the night in the stables," I retort with a giggle but she knew I was just joking.

"Or any other room in the castle, we could've put another bed in here," she admits "I wouldn't mind sharing with you for a bit,"

I sighed "That's thoughtful of you really. However it's best not to disregard the king's orders. You of all people should know what he's like when someone disobeys him,"

"Alas I do," she replied as Gwen placed food on a plate for her, Mia doing the same for me.

We talked some more as we are, mostly about the feast that was happening this evening. Lady Helen was set to sing for us which the king was excited about. Mia and Gwen were offered our leftovers which they kindly accepted. They were the only servants that actually got offered food, since Morgana and I treated them like they weren't servants.

Well we treated them all like that, it's just we didn't have much alone time with them all to offer such things. Mia and Gwen were more friends than maids.

After awhile Mia and I bid them goodbye before leaving them. It was in that moment I decided to take a walk through the town. I loved seeing the stalls and talking with the townspeople. I asked Mia to accompany me and soon we were off. I wonder what we'd find when we got there.......

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