Chapter 6

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Today was the official start to the tournament and for some reason I had this ominous feeling. It felt like something terrible was going to happen. Yet I hadn't the slightest idea as to what it might be. Hopefully it was just my nerves getting the best of me.

I had donned a lovely pink silk dress for the occasion. It wasn't that fancy, just something simple. Edmund had escorted Mia and I to the stands where we sat next to Morgana and Gwen.

Uther was making a welcome speech, thanking everyone for attending. He explained the rules and rewards for the winner. Emphasizing on the fact that the winner gets to take me to the end feast.

"That knight is giving you this unsettling look sister," Edmund says in my ear from behind me. He motioned his eyes towards the same knight that offered to walk me back to my room last night.

"That's the creep that wanted to walk me back to my chambers last night. He also said he would be delighted to escort me to the feast. Arthur really doesn't like him, not do I," I explained as I saw Arthur glaring at the knight in question.

"His name is Valiant, I talked to him some last night. Did he really want to escort you back to your chambers?" Morgana joins in, clearly bored from Uther's speech.

"Oh indeed. He has this weird aura about him, I can't really explain it," I replied looking over at her. In that moment Uther was now talking to Arthur, who was up first to fight.

"Best not walk around without someone with you," Edmund says which caused me to giggle and roll my eyes playfully.

"Now you sound like Arthur,"

With our small conversation over with, the fighting began. From a young age I had always been intrigued by fighting and had always wanted to learn. It took some convincing to finally get my parents to let me learn. I just train for fun now, but it's good to have these skills should I ever need to use them.

The first fight didn't last too long, Arthur was really good at fighting and had his opponent bested in a mere few minutes. Everyone clapped loudly for their Prince before more fighting happened.

There were some remarkable knights in this year's event with made for a really good show. However that knight Valiant was absolutely brutal, with his fighting style. It pained me to say that he was extremely good, maybe even good enough to beat Arthur.

A few more hours have went by and now the end of today's events have begun. Arthur managed to win all his fights but so did Valiant. Meaning he'd be fighting again tomorrow.

Since everything was over Mia and I were walking over to Arthur's tent where he stood outside with Merlin. The poor lad looked exhausted from all the things Arthur has been making him do.

"Congratulations on your wins. I didn't think you had it in you," I joked earning a giggle from Mia and a chuckle from Merlin.

"You really think you're funny, don't you Ana," he says rolling his eyes "But thank you,"

My eyes widened in fake shock at what he said as I glanced towards the sky "Gods have mercy he knows how to say thank you," this earned a gentle nudge on my shoulder.

"I'm not stupid you know, I know how to say thank you," he retorts glaring down at me, in a joking manner.

I giggled "Really that's the first time I've heard it. And you really should say thank you to Merlin, it wouldn't kill you,"

"It might," he sighed shaking his head.

"Thank you Merlin for cleaning Arthur's grotesque side of the room, honestly the stables are cleaner," I say turning to the dark haired servant who was amused by our bickering.

"It's no problem Ana, glad someone appreciates it," Merlin states earning a gentle also in the head from Arthur. "Alright don't get your ego in a knot,"

Mia and I shared a giggle "You really are the little brother he's always wanted," I say before bidding them goodbye and taking my leave.


It's now been a few hours since the first day of the tournament ended. Arthur was dining with his father and all the knights who were competing. Which left me to dine alone, not that I minded. I quite enjoyed the peace and quiet of just Mia and I.

About half way through eating my head began hurting. I'm known to get head aches every now and then, but this one seemed more painful than my previous ones.

"Mia, could you accompany me to see Gaius? My head is throbbing for some reason," I asked placing my fork on my now empty plate.

"Of course Princess," she says gently helping me up and together we walked to the physicians chambers.

It didn't take long and soon I was knocking on the wooden door. Not even a second later Merlin answered it. He looked a bit shaken, as he greeted us.

"My lady," he bowed his head slightly "Mia, what troubles you?" as he said that he stepped aside allowing us to enter.

"My head is aching, I was hoping to have Gaius's aid," I explained turning to the man in question.

"Of course Ana just let me fetch something for you," Gaius says and began mixing things together.

"What troubles you Merlin?" I asked turning back towards the lad "You look like you've seen a ghost or something,"

He sighed "I'm pretty sure Valiant is using magic to beat his opponents. I went to check out his room and saw the snakes on his shield come to life,"

My eyes widened at the discovery "Are you absolutely sure Merlin because an accusation involving magic is not taken lightly. Especially if you can't prove it," Mia says with a furrowed brow.

She always shaken by hearing about magic, considering her mother is a sorceress from my kingdom. Her mother helps my parents keep evil magic at bay. So being away from her mother in a place that doesn't see magic as good, has been hard on her. Luckily she has me.

"I'm sure Mia, but I'm going to get the proof I need. Wish me luck," he replies before dramatically leaving the room.

Gaius came over with a tonic that said would help with my headache. It didn't taste bad which was a plus so hopefully it'll help me. We bid our farewells and Mia took me back to my room where I prepared for bed. Falling asleep not long after my head hit the pillow. My mind filled with peaceful dreams...

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