Chapter 22

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Due to the events of the last few days I was trying my hardest to keep myself busy, so my thoughts didn't wonder to dark places. It was hard at times but luckily Mia was always by my side should I need a distraction. That is when she wasn't tending to Morgana with Gwen.

As of the moment I was in my chambers, absentmindedly folding garments from one of my trunks. It kept my mind busy as well as my hands. For if I wasn't doing something, then I'd be yanking out all of my hair from the stress of everything. My tasks were halted by a pair of hands.

"She'll get through this love. There is no women in Camelot stronger than Morgana, except maybe you," Arthur reassured looking down at me with worry. The once vibrant shade of blues left his eyes and were replaced with a stormy grey colour, due to the emotion he was expressing.

"I'm glad one of us has faith over the matter. But I can't help fearing the worst," I replied letting out a sigh "It has always been in my nature to worry about the wellbeing of others, even ones I don't know,"

Arthur pulled me into his arms, my head rested on his chest. The beating of his heart settled my nerves as I placed my arms around his neck. I had to stand on my toes to reach, but it didn't bother me that much.

"I believe this is the first time I've seen you two this close without threatening eachother," a familiar voice stated causing us to pull away. Wondering if we had heard correctly. However pulling away I found that my ears weren't playing tricks on me.

"Morgana!" I exclaimed rushing over to the lady. I flung my arms around her, holding on for dear life, as if she might slip away once more.

"Can't get rid of me that easily," she says when I pulled away, a big smile on her face. I couldn't believe she was better.

"How have you recovered so quickly? You were all but dead," I replied looking her over, checking for any indications of her illness, yet she was totally fine.

"Arthur told Uther about the man you both saw yesterday and decided to ask for his aid. I guess he really did have a remedy to cure all ills," she replied and I felt my heart drop. Sure I was happy she was better, but if it was that mysterious man who had cured it, well that meant magic was surely involved. Meaning things were going to crumble sooner or later. Something tells me this wasn't going to end well.

Upon Morgana being well again, it turns out that Uther fired Gaius due to his old ways of healing. So Edwin was now replacing him. After everything that's happened these last few days, I didn't know what to do. How could he just fire Gaius like that, after all the man has done to help the kingdom.

"Ana there's something I must tell you!" Merlin says running up to me as I walked around the courtyard. He ushered me off into Gaius's old chambers making sure nobody was following.

"My goodness Merlin what's got you in a fright?" I asked once in the safety of the room. The look on his face almost explained it.

"It's Edwin, he's like me. He used magic to cure Morgana with this beetle thing. Only I'm sure it was him who made her sick in the first place. As a means of getting on Uther's good side. Now he wants me to use magic freely within the kingdom," he replied in a panic, not sure what to do about everything.

"Wait how'd he find out about you?" I asked worried that he'd get discovered by someone who would report it to Uther.

"He caught me reading the spell on the box he kept the beetles in. Says only magic can make them work," he explained with a guilty look, no doubt beating himself up inside for being less careful.

"So you think Edwin might try using the beetles on Uther?" I asked hoping for a different answer than the one I knew he'd give. The young man nodded his head, scared for what might happen. I too was scared, but not for Uther it was more for Arthur. Sure his father was hard on him at times, and often treated him unfairly but Arthur still loved his father nonetheless. If something bad happened to Uther I know it would affect Arthur greatly.

Merlin and I were just staring blankly at one another, not really sure what to say. The silence only broken when a panicked Arthur rushed through the door. A look of pain and worry written upon his face.

"Merlin can you fetch Edwin, my father seems to have what Morgana did!?" He practicality begged his servant. In those few seconds it felt like all my fears were about to prevail.

"Yes sire," Merlin replied sharing a look with me. It was one that I had come to know, it meant he was willing to put everything on the line to save the king. A man who had no love for people who shared Merlin's gift, but he was going to do it for Arthur's sake.

"May I ask what you're doing here? Not that it's my business I'm just trying to keep calm," he asked once Merlin left the room. My heart broke when I saw the torment in is eyes. I walked up to him, gently taking his hand. I rubbed the pad of my thumb over his knuckles, something mother use to do to sooth father when he was upset or frustrated.

"Merlin was just telling me about Edwin's practices, as I was curious. Being a healer and all. I'd say his ways are a bit unconventional in my opinion," I state which was true. I'm just hoping that Merlin will be able to undo all this turmoil.

Arthur and I were back in our room as we awaited for news on the king. Deep down I knew things would be alright as Uther wasn't ready to give up his title just yet.

If a man as stubborn as him could survive many magical attacks then he'd most certainly come out of this one alive. And if he were to die then it would definitely be either a natural death or one inflicted without the use of magic. However if he were to die at the hands of magic, the irony of it all would be brutal.

"I love you, I hope you know that," Arthur admits out of the blue. Drawing me out of my thoughts. Of course the shock of it all made me not hear what he said after those 8 letters.

"I'm sorry you what?" I state with a smirk, mostly due to the fact I wanted him to say it again. His face turned red as he stood up, making his way over to where I sat at the edge of the bed. His tall frame towered over me as he gazed down into my eyes.

"Are you really going to make me say it again? The first time was hard enough," he replied and this time I stood up. We were now nose to nose.

"I love you too," I admit, feeling like a huge boulder was lifted off my shoulders. By now we were both inching forward, caught up in the moment. Just as our lips were about to touch, the door burst open. We pulled apart quickly at the noise.

"He's alright Gaius and I were able to heal him. Oh and I also may have killed Edwin, but was going to kill the king so please don't throw me in the dungeon," Merlin declared clearly unaware to the event that he just halted. Luckily it was sort of dark in the room, so he most likely didn't see our red faces. Which was a good thing.

Well that and Uther being alright as well as Gaius being hired again. This has definitely been an eventful day......

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