Chapter 14

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Once I was done with my bath, Mia kindly helped me out so I wouldn't slip on the stone floor. She handed me a robe to put on before going to get the dress ready as well as the accessories she chose to go with it.

I sat down on the bed patiently, brushing my hair gently getting any unwanted tangles out as it dried. It was then that Arthur came back, with Merlin in tow. He began getting Arthur's things ready while Arthur took his shirt off, leaving him in his trousers.

I couldn't help glancing my eyes across his toned torso. Nor deny just how fit he really was. He truly was handsome. Where are these sudden thoughts about him coming from?  Why am I thinking like this?

"Like what you see Ana?" Arthur questioned with a smirk as he caught me looking at him. This quickly snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You wish, however I was merely lost in my thoughts," I exclaimed trying to weasel my way out of obviously staring at the man I'm to one day marry.

"If that lie helps you sleep at night," he joked as Merlin handed him a new shirt as well as the now clean jacket. Merlin helps him into it and I giggled, shaking off his previous statement.

"Still can't dress yourself, I see," I retorted earning a scoff from the blonde man.

"Why have people to do stuff for you if you don't use it to the fullest," he says as if it were obvious.

"You just like making Merlin do everything," I giggled standing up as Mia came over, ready to put me into my gown.

It didn't take long to put the dress on and unlike Arthur I got dressed by myself, only needing Mia to do up the backing for me.

"I'd like to do my own hair tonight if that's alright," I say looking over at her as I sat down at my vanity "Go prepare yourself for tonight,"

"Very well Ana, I'll see you soon," she says heading off through the service door, giving me a kind smile before passing through the door.

I looked in the mirror thinking about how-to style my hair. My fingers began weaving through my hair elegantly braiding pieces together and not long after I had a pretty hair style.

I had four braids, two on each side. The first two I had tied together, then I had taken the other two and tied them together along with the bits of hair hanging down from the top bunch. The rest of my hair remained down, the curls falling loosely down my back.

"I'll never understand how you can do your hair and make it look so neat. You can't even see the back of your head," Arthur's voice gets my attention and looking in the mirror I saw him now standing behind me.

"Just takes practice. Like sword fighting but less deadly," I replied turning to look at him.

"Speaking of, the knights really want to see you out there during the next training day. They like seeing you defeat anyone willing to challenge you," he admits with a smirk as I stood up, now ready for the feast.

"Oh so you're admitting that I'm a good fighter then?" I asked raising my brow slightly.

"Most definitely, but don't tell your brother that," he says as we shared a laugh. It was good to joke around.


We had attended the feast together under Uther's wishes and we're now seated at the head table. Lord Bayard was delivering his lengthy speech which was boring, but I wasn't letting on that I was bored. Arthur on the other hand had that expression written on his face. Mad because everytime he tried taking a drink from his goblet, thinking it was the end of the speech, Bayard would add more to his statement.

I began tuning out which was rude of me, but my mind couldn't help it. From across the room I saw Merlin taking to the girl who was staring at him during the welcoming. Something just didn't sit right as she ushered him out of the hall. A look of panic on her face, although it was hard to tell if it was genuine or not.

I decided not to think too much on it as Bayard began presenting Morgana, Uther, Arthur and I with these beautiful goblets. A means of peace to a new era that was just beginning. A servant poured wine into all of them, and we lifted it up for a toast. The goblet was just about to touch my lips when Merlin rushed back into the room.

He grabbed both mine and Arthur's goblets a scared look in his eyes "Stop they're poisoned!" He declared gaining everybody's attention.

"Merlin what are you doing?" Arthur asks, truly appalled by his servants actions and accusations.

"I've been told Bayard was seen lacing yours and Ana's goblets with poison," Merlin replies and I suddenly knew it was the girl who told him this information, probably as a means of screwing this all up. I knew there was something off about her.

"I haven't done anything to those goblets," Bayard seethed stalking towards us was we all stood up.

Uther had come to the conclusion that Merlin was to drink from both goblets and see if the information was true. Arthur was not having it as he tried pulling the goblet from Merlin's hands, knowing that if it was poisoned Merlin was at a risk for dying. Uther said that if it wasn't poisoned then Bayard could deliver Merlin's punishment.

I was terribly scared, knowing that Merlin could die if things went badly. If the poison didn't kill him then Bayard probably would. However if it was poisoned then this treaty would be broken and the new era lost.

Merlin managed to drink from the goblets much to Arthur's dismay. I held my breath hoping for the worst, but after a few seconds he seemed alright. We all looked relieved and I let out a sigh, however it turned for the worst as Merlin began choking and convulsing. He fell to the floor knocked unconscious.

Uther ordered for Bayard and his men to be arrested while Arthur and I rushed towards Merlin. Kneeling on the floor next to him I checked his pulse, which was beating faintly. Putting my ear up to his mouth I could hear shallow breathes.

"He's still breathing," I say as Gaius came over. He told us to follow him and bring the cup. Arthur picked Merlin up and rushed after Gaius. Gwen picked up the cups and scampered off with Edmund, Mia and I close behind.

Why can't things go right for once?

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