Chapter 4

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It was always nice seeing the lower town. Talking with the people and seeing what's being sold at the stalls. Uther thought it was great that I took time out of my day to visit everyone.

My mother taught me to always spend time with the people who were under our reign, so naturally I took that mindset with me when I moved to Camelot.

Everyone greeted us as we passed. Offering up things just to please the future Queen, however I always politely declined.

We were coming up to a food portion and I bought a couple loads of fresh bread and a few apples. I told the vendors to keep the change as I handed out the food to those who looked very hungry. There were some children but it was mostly parents who always gave any food they had to their children first.

"Your generosity is most kind My Lady," a kind woman says as I handed her a loaf of the bread and an apple.

I smiled as she grabbed my hand in thankfulness "It's no trouble at all dear. A kingdom is nothing without its people," we exchanged a few more words before Mia and I continued on our way, walking with our arms looped together.

As we were coming down one of the more crowded streets, a commotion could be heard not far ahead of us. It sounded like fighting, if I'm being honest. Curious about what was happening, and worried someone might get hurt, we rushed over to the scene of the commotion.

The crowd of people watching moved when they saw me, making a clear path to the front of the group. My eyes widened when they took in the scene and I let out a groan, shaking my head.

Arthur was in the middle of swinging a mace at the man who stood up for the servant the other day. Gwen told me that his name is Merlin and that he's Gaius's new apprentice, or something along those lines.

This was absurd, if this is how he acts in front of his people, then that shows them all what type of ruler he might turn out to be. He had shown no intention of stopping as he went to hit Merlin, who definitely wasn't skilled at fighting. I wouldn't stand by and watch this.

"ARTHUR PENDRAGON!" I yelled as I picked up my skirt and marched towards him. Mia following behind, a smirk on her face because she knew what was about to happen. "What in the name of the gods are you doing?"

He turned to look at me as soon as I said his name, eyes widened as he lowered the mace and took in my frustrated appearance.

"I'm just having a bit of fun," he mumbled as everyone in the crowd began spreading out.

"That is a load of bullshit and you know it. This is not how the future king is supposed to act in front of his people, let alone treating one like how you've been treating him" I scowled him placing my hands on my hips to emphasize my point. Then I turned around and stormed away so I'd have the last word. I can't believe him.

"What has gotten into him My Lady," Mia asks as we made our way back to the castle.

"I've been trying to figure out that myself Mia. I haven't the slightest idea. He was never like this when we were kids," I replied and soon we were back at the castle. "I'd like to ask Morgana if I can get ready for the feast with her," and with that we made our way back to Morgana's room.


Morgana was more than happy to have me get ready for the feast with her, so I asked Mia to bring over my dress. In that time I told Morgana what we witnessed in the town not too long ago.

"I can't believe he started a fight with a commoner. He's completely mental," she states before went to look in the mirror. I sat down on the edge of her bed as Merlin made his way into the room, a sleeping draught in his hand. The funny part is that she thought he was Gwen.

"Can you pass me that dress Gwen," she asked walking behind the changing screen. Merlin didn't know what to do as he made a noise to try to sound like Gwen, he awkwardly picked up the dress and placed it over the top.

She mumbled a thanks as Gwen came into the room, shocked to see Merlin standing there like a deer about to be killed. He shrugged raising up the vial of Morgana's draught before placing it on the table and leaving before this could get even more awkward. I couldn't help but giggle at everything.

"Gwen can you help with the lacing?" Morgana asked as she struggled to get into the dress. Gwen was quick to help her and Morgana asked us which dress would be better. The pretty purple one she had on or a stunning red one that would compliment her nicely. We both agreed on the red one and soon Mia came back and they both helped us get ready.

It didn't take long to get ready. My dress was a light blue that was sleeveless. It showed off my shoulders and gave a full view of my gold necklace. My golden hair was half up, the upper part pulled back with braids in it. The style allowed my crown to settle nicely into my hair. The rest of it flowed across my shoulder in my natural waves.

When both of us were ready we made our way down to the banquet hall and like last night strolled in together. Making our way to our seats, Morgana was sitting on the the end beside Uther while I was sat on the other end beside Arthur.

Uther thanked everyone for coming and introduced Lady Helen. She came out looking amazing and stepped up to the little stage that was set out. She smiled at everyone then began singing, words of a different tongue came from her lips but every word sounded beautiful.

After a few minutes I suddenly felt sleepy, looking around I noticed everyone else was becoming groggy and soon my head flopped onto Arthur's shoulder and everything fell into blackness.

A few minutes seemed to pass and I awoke covered in spiderwebs. To see Lady Helen was actually the lady who's son got killed for preforming magic a few days ago. She looked dead but seemed to have enough strength to raise her hand and throw a dagger at Arthur. It soared through the air right towards him, however Merlin came out of nowhere and yanked Arthur out of harm's way.

The dagger embedded into the wood of the chair right where Arthur's head just was. For a few seconds the whole room stopped. Uther gave Merlin praise for saving his son then gave him the job of Arthur's servant. Much to both of their disliking. And with that we called it a night. Poor Merlin......

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