Chapter 16

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The sound of metal thrashing metal could be heard throughout the training grounds. New potential knights were being trained under Arthur, hoping to pass the test and earn the status of  knight of Camelot. The test of course was to best Arthur in a duel, since he likes to think he's the best fighter in the kingdom. He's got a big ego if you didn't know.

Here I was back in my element. I had finally been able to ditch my fancy dresses and jewelry. I donned a pink tunic that was paired with a loose corset and a pair of black leggings. My hair was braided over my shoulder. A sword held comfortably in my hand.

It felt nice to get back into fighting, it was such a bore having to be all princess like this last while. However I finally had a day free of parties and what not, but you never knew what was around the corner.

Right how I was fighting this man who was alot more cocky than Arthur. Which I hadn't thought possible. But there he was, he seemed all talk. He swung at me but I countered it, our swords clanging loudly. His moves were almost predictable which shocked him when I moved to block a strike before he even made one.

It must look amusing to those who came to watch. A man in chainmail, a sword and shield fighting a Lady who wore only simple attire. Nothing but a sword to defend herself.

I suppose those who were willing to fight me thought it would be easy, since I was shield less. However some were kind enough to drop their shields to make it a fair fight. Much like Arthur did whenever he fought someone. A trait that was admirable but also stupid at times.

We parried back and forth. His attacks becoming more swiftly but I managed to keep up and get the upper hand. He swung once more when I was moving to block. My efforts reigned victorious as I blocked it before it struck my face. However I managed to get nicked slightly. Once he saw that he cut me, he yielded which I thought was bizarre.

"I'm sorry my lady you're bleeding," he says dropping his gaze to the grass. He sheathed his sword before walking away, knowing Arthur saw everything after defeating a potential knight.

"Ana you're hurt," he says as I walked towards him and Merlin, who were by the rack of swords.

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch. Doesn't even hurt," I state and Merlin handed me a cloth to wipe away the blood, which I kindly thanked him for.

"You should've see how beat up she'd get while training with Josiah. Never even phased her and she always bested him," Edmund says coming over a smirk on his face from watching the fight. He ruffled my hair giving me a gentle nudge.

Arthur didn't seem to be listening as he brought his hands up to my face. His fingers warm on my skin. He turned my head to look at him as he began inspecting the cut.

"Arthur I'm fine really," I exclaimed looking up at him as he took the cloth from my hand and began gently cleaning off the blood. He's incredibly stubborn.

"I'm just making sure love," he says throwing the cloth back to Merlin who rolled his eyes. It was amusing to watch the two banter. They really did care deeply about one another, like brothers.

From behind him I could see Mia and Edmund making kissy faces which made me roll my eyes. I stuck my tonge out at them as they laughed at my reaction.

I had noticed Arthur's change in reactions with me. Before when I got hurt he didn't over react if it was something minor, but now he was acting as if I'm dying. What brought on the change?


It's been a few hours since the whole training grounds scene and I was now walking through the grounds. Mia was accompanying me as she usually does. I had done her hair before we left, it was braided elegantly with flowers that complemented her darker skin.

"So about Arthur being all protective. It was really sweet of him and I'm sorry for teasing you," she says as we walked down the main castle steps.

I giggled nudging her playfully "It's alright Mia you don't have to apologize because Edmund acts the same towards you," I reassured her with a smile and a wink.

"Yeah but for Arthur it was a shocking change really," she admits as we walked along.

We were coming up to the middle of the square when Merlin came towards us an anxious look on his face. He stopped just shy of us, his brow furrowed slightly.

"What's troubling you Merlin?" I asked stepping forward placing my hand gently on his shoulder. I gave him a kind smile which eased him a bit.

"I've got this friend, Lancelot. He saved me the other morning from a great beast. Anyway he wants to be a night of Camelot but I've just learned that you have to be Noble to even try out. I could really use your help, please? He's just as good as Arthur and Edmund," he explained. The look in his eyes was desperate.

"Well Merlin this seems quite important to you. But you must know that if this turns out badly, Uther will be furious. However I'd be glad to help you. I too think it's unfair and if we were in my kingdom your friend would be more that welcome to try to be a knight," I say with a smile. He pulled me into a hug and spun me around giving me thanks. When he put me down he ushered us towards Gaius's chambers. Hopefully things go well.....

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