Chapter 10

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"Kids, I have an announcement to make." Coach Robyn tells us.

The entire volleyball team is gathered here, on court.

"As you may or may not know, every year there is an Interschool Volleyball Championship. This year will be no different. It will be held on the 24th of September. You all know how important this game is for our school. Jessica, please explain the rules to the team, then I want everyone to start drills." She says.

I stand next to Coach.

"There will be a series of matches which we will play, the first set, amongst ourselves, to decide the team and backups, the later sets will be played among other schools to decide who makes it to the Championship. If we win the Qualifiers, we head to the quarter finals, then semi finals and hopefully finals. Last year, we made it into the finals but lost to Greenwoods High. The year before that we won. In short, we need to set our records straight. You with me?" I say.

Everyone cheers.

"Alright now for the drills. I'll set you up in groups and give you an activity to perform." Coach says.

"Andrea, Tyler, Jake and Jasmine. Naomi, Zeke, Hailee and Ricky. Kendra, Kyle, Erick and Jessica. Group 1," She says, pointing towards Jas' group.

"You guys pair yourselves up and start with the sit ups. One person holds the other's legs down and the other does the sit ups. After I blow my whistle, switch."

"Group two." She says, pointing towards Nai's group.

"You guys partner up and do the leg hold and jump. One person holds their legs up in the air, not too high, and their partner jumps over their legs. Got it?" She asks.

Everyone nods.

"Group 3." She says, facing us.

"Find a partner and wheelbarrow till the end of the court and back, then switch. Got it?" She asks us.

We nod and soon everyone stars shuffling around.

I look for all my group members deciding who I want as my partner.

Unfortunately, that decision is made for me when Kyle partners up with Kendra, leaving me with...Erick.

His eyes light up with amusement when he sees my scowl.

I roll my eyes at and shrug. It can't be that bad can it?

"Get down, peasant." I say, teasingly.

"Who said I was going to go down first?" He mocks.

I scowl.

"Oh come on, just go first. Please?" I say.

He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously.

I bat my eyes innocently.

He rolls his eyes but gets down on his fours.

"Lift up your legs." I instruct.

When he does I grab hold of them and he moves forward using his hands and torso.

We're not even halfway to the end of the court and Erick starts to moan.

"Jesy! I can't do this." He says, clearly ready to give up.

I roll my eyes, expecting this.

"Come on, you can do it. Don't give up. I'm right here. I won't let you fall." I say, encouragingly.

"This is why you wanted me to go first, right? To see me suffer?" He asks, irriated.

I look at him innocently. "Maybe."

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