~Chapter 19

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As I lie there, with my head resting against the cold stone of my sister's grave, listening to the whistling of the wind and the rustling of leaves, I hear an unusual noise.

It sounds like footsteps.

Just like last time, I'm not alone.

Who the hell could it be?

At this ungodly hour that too?

I turn on my flashlight from my phone and shine the light around.

That's when I hear it.


That voice!

"Erick?!" I ask.

I look around but don't see anything.

"What are you doing here? Where are you?" I ask, stunned and confused.

That's when his silhouette comes into view.

"Jesy? Is that you?" He asks, coming closer.

I nod my head.

"What are you doing here, so late at night?" I ask.

"Well, I can ask you the same." He answers.

"I was just visiting someone." I say vaguely.

"Yeah, well me too." He says quietly.

"Well, it's almost three. I have to head back before my parents or sisters wake up." I say awkwardly.

"Me too."

He says and we head our separate ways.

I watch him as he gets into the gray car on the other side of the street.

So that was his car.

I get into my own and drive off, before things get any more awkward.

As I drive through the quiet streets of our town, I can't help but wonder, who had Erick come to visit?

Had he lost someone close to him too?

A friend? A sibling? A lover?

He was always so happy whenever I was around him, he definitely didn't look like someone who lost a loved one.

But then again, do I look like someone who lost a loved one?

These thoughts kept clouding my mind even as I drifted off to sleep.

E  R  I  C  K    D  I  A  Z  '  S    P  O  V  : - 

"Erick! Wake up!" I hear Mami say as she pokes my sides.

I groan and open my eyes.

"Don't tell me it's time for school." I say.

"Yes." Mami says.

I groan and rub my eyes with the heels of my palms.

"Get up, and get ready. Why are you so tired? When did you sleep?" She asks.

I get up and everything from last night hits me like a ton of bricks.

Dad. Cemetery. Jesy.

"What time is it?" I ask, evading Mami's question.

"Eight. You're late for school. And answer my questions Erick." Mami says sternly.

"I slept at eleven." I say, lying through my teeth.

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