~Chapter 43

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Lately, Erick and I have been spending a lot of time together, and I mean a lot.

Whether it's babysitting the siblings, French tutoring, or even Spanish tutoring, I find myself laughing and having fun with him.

We've also been getting closer. Our bond becoming stronger than ever.

I've noticed I've started confiding in him more than I ever have with anyone else. Maybe even more than Jas. And somehow, that doesn't scare me.

I just trust Erick more. He's easy to talk to, he listens when I speak, he knows how to have fun, and he's great with my sisters. What more could I want?

The problem is, every time we touch, every time I catch him staring at me- which believe me, is quite often, I get lost in him.

I let out a tired sigh.

"What are you thinking about?" Someone asks, sitting down next to me.

I look up and see my Mother.

"Many things." I say, truthfully.

"Boy problems?" She asks knowingly.

I don't know how she knew, but I'm too stunned to say anything.

"Boy problems it is. Let me guess, Erick?" She says.

When I finally recompose myself, I ask, "H-how did you know?"

She chuckles.

"I know when my daughter is in a dilemma about something. Especially if it's got to do with a boy. So, tell me, what's running through your mind?" She asks.

I have never really consulted my mom for boy advice, or even considered going to her. It was always either Jasmine or Aaliyah who gave me advice.

"You two seem to be getting a lot closer lately." She observes.

Despite myself, color rises to my cheeks.

"You could say that." I say, with a small smile.

"Any specific reason?" She asks.

"Mom! I don't know what you're trying to say, but we're not dating, we're just friends!" I say, defensively.

Why did the word 'friends' suddenly sound so foreign and vague?

Mom puts her hands in the air.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. If you don't tell me, what else am I supposed to do other than guess?" She says pointedly.

I sigh.

"Erick asked me out in the past." I say slowly.

She nods her head, waiting for me to continue.

"At first, I said no, because I like him, I really do, but... I just don't think ready for a relationship, you know?" I explain.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to go into the details of it by including Corbyn into it. He was a closed chapter of my life that I never want to open again.

"I do, sweetie. What did he have to say to that then? If he is into you, then he would wait. He'd wait as long as he has to till you're ready." She says wisely.

"He did. He promised he'd give me as much time as I needed and he'd wait for me." I say, smiling at the memory.

"Do you like him?" She asks me.

I don't hesitate even for a second.

"A lot." I say.

"What part of a relationship are you not ready for?" She asks gently.

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