~Chapter 14

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"Turn right." The GPS says.

Jake, turns his car.

"You've reached your destination on the left." The voice says.

We look to the left, but don't see anything.

There are no buildings here or any signs of human inhabitance.

"I think we're lost." Jake says, stupidly.

The four of us got into his car after school to go bowling.

He didn't know the direction so he asked Google maps.

This is where it got us.

In the middle of nowhere.

"No shit, Sherlock." Jas says, annoyed.

"Hey, I followed the directions!" Jake says, putting his hands up in surrender.

"At least find another place!" Jas yells.

I turn to Erick, who is sitting next to me.

"What do you suggest, Einstein?" I ask sarcastically.

"We could ask Ty, he brought us last time." He says, typing furiously on his phone.

I sigh and slump back into my seat.

"You two are hopeless!" I say.

"Look, I'm sorry. Erick, Got any ideas?" Jake says, raising an eyebrow and looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"Okay, do any of you guys know where Tina's Diner is?" He asks, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah! It's nearby, why?" I ask.

"The bowling alley is right next to it." Erick explains.

"I don't know where it is." Jake says.

I roll my eyes.

I get out of the car, ignoring their weird looks, and open Jake's door.

"Get out Doofus, I'm driving." I say, annoyed at him.

He doesn't say anything and sits next to Erick.

Jas gets out too, and switches seats with Erick.

I look at her, confused and she just looks at me innocently.

I hop in the car and drive to Tina's Diner.

"We're here!" I say, excitedly.

Erick gets out of the car and while I'm removing my seat belt, he walks over to my side and opens my door for me.

I smile.

"I could have done that myself, you know?" I say.

"I know. I didn't do it because I thought you can't, I did it because I wanted to." He says simply, making me smile at his sweetness.

We walk into the bowling alley and I just as I'm about to pull out my wallet from the back of my jeans, a hand touches my arm to stop me.

"I'll pay." Erick says.

I shake my head and open my wallet.

Unfortunately, he beats me to it and pays for both of us.

"Thanks." I say in defeat, but grateful nonetheless.

"Anytime, Jess." He says, smiling that sweet smile of his, and I find myself smiling too.

"Who's that?" He asks curiously, pointing to a photo in my wallet.

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