~Chapter 28

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"Leave her alone, Marcus." Erick says coldly.

"Diaz." Marcus greets, just as coldly.

"Get out of here or you'll be sorry." Erick warns.

Marcus glares at him, but listens and retreats to his class.

Erick turns to me.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." I say.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks, scanning my body.

I shake my head.

"I could've saved myself, you know." I say.

"I know, Jess. I never disagreed." He says, looking me in the eye.

The amount of faith he has in me, makes me glow with pride.

"Then what was that all about?" I ask, coming straight to the point.

"Marcus and I go a long way." He says simply.

"Care to add on?" I say sarcastically.

He chuckles.

"Ever so impatient. He's my biggest soccer rival and a total douchebag. He's a hardcore player, which is why I'm worried about Andrea." He says.

My blood boils.

"I just don't want him to hurt Ann. She genuinely likes him." I say.

"Have you told her how you feel?" He asks.

"No. She wouldn't listen anyway. She's blinded by his 'charm'." I say,  saying charm in air quotes.

"I guess we'll just have to see how things turn out then, won't we?" He says grimly.

"Where were you, during lunch today?" I ask Erick.

School's over for the day and now Erick and I are heading for practice.

His cheeks turn pink.

"I was in the library. I was getting started on my essay for english." He says quietly.

My eyes light up with amusement.

"Aw, you're such a nerd." I tease.

"I am not. I'm just excited to write about you." He says.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Who would be excited to write their first impression of me?" I wonder aloud.

We stop walking in front of the changing rooms.

Just as he's about to step into the boys' changing room, he says, "Someone who likes you."

That leaves me stunned.

Does he... Does he mean... he...likes...me?

And if so, does that mean, romantically or as a friend?

"Want to get milkshakes?" Andrea asks us as we exit the school after practice.

Ever since Erick said those words to me, I couldn't stop thinking about what he meant.

Why did it even affect me so much?

So many people have told me they liked me, but I didn't give a hoot about it.

"Ooh, yes please!" Ty says, turning to Nai for confirmation.

She nods her head happily, making Ty chuckle.

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