~Chapter 41

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J E S S I C A    L O P E Z 'S  P O  V:

"You really showed Marcus who's boss, eh?" He says, chuckling lightly.

I glare at him and he sobers up.

"Look, I know you're mad, and I'm sorry, okay?" He says, his gaze piercing mine.

My face softens a bit.

"Why did you do it, Erick?" I ask.

"After you rejected me-"

"I didn't reject you. I only told you that I wasn't ready for a relationship! I need you to understand that if you're not ready to wait till I'm ready, we don't have a chance of ever being together." I tell him firmly. "If you really cared about me and my feelings, you'd wait for me. You'd wait till I'm ready. You'd accept my decision and respect it."

He winces.

"I understand that now. I was selfish. I took your...probation as rejection and I'm sorry. I wanted to get back at you, which was very petty, I'll admit, because in the end, you ended up with Swenderson as your date." He says, annoyed.

I feel my resolve crack.

"Swenson." I correct, amused.

He's jealous. It's clear as day.

"Whatever." He grumbles.

I laugh and he cracks a smile.

"So, am I forgiven?" He asks, suddenly.

I do forgive him, especially since he had the decency to accept and apologize for his mistake. However, I'd like to mess around with him a bit.

"What's with Darcy?" I ask him, ignoring his question.

This time, his eyes light up with amusement.

"Oh, you know, she's this sweet, funny, cool,-"

I smack his arm.

"Don't talk about her like that." I snap.

I can tell he's trying his best to hold in a laugh.

He bites his lower lip, drawing my attention down to his lips.

It's so soft, so pink, I wonder how it'll taste-

"Why not?" He asks, stepping closer to me.

"Because, I- I don't like it." I mutter, struggling to take my eyes of his pretty lips.

He lets out a chuckle.

It's a deep sound that's pleasant to listen to.

"Jess, I could never describe a girl the way I could describe you." He says, his voice suddenly deeper than I remember.

"What's that supposed to me?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at him.

"It means, that you're the only girl I have feelings for. Not Darcy." He says, making butterflies dance in my stomach.

"Stop trying to butter me up. I forgive you." I say, rolling my eyes and suppressing a smile.

"You like it, don't deny it." He teases.

"I'll change my mind." I warn.

He chuckles.

"Can I at least have a dance with you, if not your heart?" He asks.

I smile and let him hold my waist with his hands as I place my hands on his shoulders.

We sway our bodies to the music.

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