I hated it when Scout would ask me that particular question. I shouldn't have had time to even consider answering the question of why I lied about being attached to someone to the boss. Besides, I was already focused on building a team to compete for next season. Answering a personal question about my love life is really out of the ordinary when the attention should be that my job is on the line if I don't produce now. The chains were let go of me from the previous seasons and I was ready to make my move.
Yet, the truth was the Scout knew about my relationship because I told him time and time again how much in love I was with my current boyfriend. To be honest, I never really expected to be in a relationship, especially since I was a general manager. But, as they say, love comes in the most surprising of times.
It was during one of my first weeks as an intern with the Chicago Bears. I was at the NFL Draft, which was held in New York. The reason I was there instead of the draft room back in Houston was simply to get the experience of being at the event. I wanted to see what it was like when teams that had representatives at the event and watching the NFL Commissioner read the names of those who got picked.
I got a chance to tour the green room and the main area where everyone would be at for the event. It was such a dream come true to be at this event. I even got a chance to meet the NFL Commissioner. Even though he was perceived to be a bad guy by the public, he was really a sweet, genuine person. It was great to be there.
But at the hotel, that was when things got pretty interesting. I must admit I overslept a bit and was running a little bit late. I tried to make the arena a few hours before the start of the draft, but I was behind. I was so worried that being late would've gotten me fired from the position. It didn't even help that I was carrying some manilla folders with sheets of paper regarding talent evaluations.
As I got off the elevator and turned to my right, I bumped right into someone. Soon, white fell over the room as the folders I had were knocked off and falling around like snow. I saw a potential disaster unfolding in my hands.
"Excuse me," I heard a male voice say. "I didn't see you."
"Well, you should've paid attention," I replied without really seeing the face of the person I bumped into. Quickly, I tried to gather all the papers and folders in a rushed state. It was a mess, but I struggled filling in all the papers.
"Let me help you with that," the man replied.
"I would really appreciate that."
We both worked to gather the paper and place them into the folders. It took at least a minute, but at last, my folders were filled with information. I turned to see the man and was blown away by Prince Charming.
The man had blue eyes, black hair, pale white skin and a nice smile. He reminded me of the actor who played Superman from Smallville. I want to say he was about six-four or six-five, which made me about eight or nine inches shorter than him. I stared at him for a few moments as if I had nothing else to do. Fortunately, he brought me to my senses.
"Are you okay, miss?" He asked.
Then, I realized that I was late.
"Thank you," I said. "I need to get going."
"Of course," he replied.
I took off and managed to rush a few blocks to the draft. It didn't help that my high heels were my mode of transportation. So, I took them off and went to the arena bare feet. I made it with just about ten minutes to go. The representatives weren't too happy with me arriving a bit late. Fortunately, they took it to me being very nervous since this was my first draft after all.

Two Minute Drill (Bases Loaded Jam Series #2)
ActionAfter another lost season in the NFL, Scout Ranger is under a lot of pressure. He is tasked by his owner and general manager, who also happens to be his crush in Brett Mills, to go find an impact player for their team to be a championship contender...