Ch. 28: Comeback (Gordon/Scout)

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The second that Chet was injured on the play, the air went out of the balloon. It felt like whatever opportunity we had to comeback and win the to make the playoffs was over. Even we had surprised a lot of teams and had won nine games, which was more than people expected from us, it was still not the best chance to maybe stay another year. At that moment, I thought Mr. Eisenhower was getting ready to have a meeting with us telling me and Brett we had been fired.

I wouldn't have blamed him though as we had had three seasons of trying to prove ourselves and we could not be able to get the job done. The one thing that Brett and I had spoken about in the event we were to get fired was that we would take in the mistakes we made and learn from them in the event we would be hired by the next team that picked us up. I was content with that idea, but I felt Brett wasn't. I knew it had been her dream to be a general manager, but now it was going up in flames.

Adding insult to injury was the fact that the fans were starting to leave already. A season of promise was about to end in another nightmare although a winning record wasn't the end of the world. Yet, they didn't want to hear that. They wanted a winner and we couldn't give it to them. I was crushed at the thought as was Brett.

But then, I saw another quarterback trot his way onto the field. I saw him wear a number 14 jersey. At that moment, I knew who it was. My experiment was about to make his NFL debut. At least there would be something that would come from this. As I saw Gordon walk to the huddle, I felt a hand touch mine. I turned and saw Brett and she had a tear in her eye.

"Well," she said. "If we don't last tomorrow, it would be nice to see Gordon play in an NFL game.

"I agree," I said in response. "Just hope he does well."

We then turned to watch Gordon in the huddle and break it up. It was time for his first play.


By this point, the Titans were already on their reserves as they felt the game was over. Still, they were big and tougher than the teams I faced off with in the SEC. I had to admit I was a little worried, but never felt intimidated. I just walked up to the line of scrimmage like I had done so many times and went under center.

I check the defense and I realize right away Tennessee was blitzing. They wanted to deliver the knockout punch right then and there. So, I immediately check to everyone to change the play we had wanted to run and my offense got the message. As soon as everyone was set, I took the snap and dropped back. All I needed was five seconds with the ball.


The blitz tries to break through the offensive line, but my guys hold.


Jermaine is covered by a pair of defensive backs while Duncan is running up the middle.


Matt blocks his guy, but peels off when his man trips allowing Matt to be an open receiver. The blitz breaks through the line.


The blitz forces me from the pocket and I run to my left. Otis manages to get off his defender and gets open. I wait for the right moment to throw.


I finally release the ball just as I get hit by the defender coming from my right side.

The ball sails high as I hit the canvas. I'm down for a few moments, but manage to get myself up. I look up and I'm just in time to barely able to see Otis make a remarkable catch and run all the way to the endzone. All of a sudden, a roar is heard by the crowd. I couldn't believe it. My first pass resulted in a touchdown and suddenly, we were fired up.

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