Ch. 21: Rushing the Passer (Brett)

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Oh my god! What just happened? What just happened? I was taking a nice, comfortable bath with a wine in my hand and was waiting for a man to walk in. All of a sudden, a man did walk in, but it wasn't my man. It was my partner Scout. What was he doing here? I didn't invite him.

As soon as I saw him, I instantly reacted like any girl who was exposed would. I covered myself up with my arms. Even though I was surrounded by beautiful bubbles, there could've been a gap in the water allowing him to see me with nothing on underneath. I don't think he saw anything, but still, this was embarrassing.

I got out of the tub, dried off, and put on a bathrobe on. As soon as I walked out to the living room, Scout stood up from the couch.

"Brett, I'm so sorry," he said with a nervous look.

"What the hell are you doing here, Scout?" I asked back. "Did you learn how to knock?"

"What? You texted me to see you at your apartment."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did. I got it a few moments."

"I did no such thing."

"Oh yeah? Check your phone then."

I grabbed my phone, which was charging on the counter. I immediately went through my text messages and suddenly was in shock. I had sent the text message, but to Scout by accident. Great, the feeling of wanting and needing a man's presence was something that was all I need.

"I'm sorry Scout," I said putting my phone down. "That was meant for someone else."

"Would I take it that you had plans for Luke to show up?" Scout asked.

"You know things between us are serious?"

"I know, but I just don't want people to worry about your allegiance to this guy when Dallas and Houston are rivals."

"We don't play the Cowboys in the NFC East."

"Well, we did just play them in the preseason and this shouldn't draw attention. Besides, shouldn't you be worried about your team since we open at home with Jacksonville this week?"

I hadn't ignored that fact because I was always a girl ready for anything. Still, there are times when a girl needs moments to think about besides football.

"Scout, I appreciate you being worried and all. Trust me, I will be ready to go by Sunday."

"I hope so. Some of the coaches are a little concerned that Todd won't be ready at quarterback and that we might have to use Chet Yelich as a backup."

"What about Gordon?" I asked. Chet Yelich had been part of the team for a few years and was one of the first quarterbacks I dealt with. He was primarily a backup and thought he would be the man before we traded for Todd Sweeney. I did have an issue with starting Chet because if Chet was moved up, that meant Gordon would possibly be his backup and we weren't ready for that yet.

"Coaches are still keeping Gordon as the third string for now," Scout answered. "Yet, some coaches do say he has potential to be our starter."

"Which would only mean quarterback controversy between him and Chet and I don't want that for our team. You tell Coach Robinson that Todd is the starter and Chet is the backup."

"Coach Robinson already agrees with me on the issue. I'll see to it he knows. Just hoping he doesn't rush the passer to be be a starter quickly."

Before I could answer, there was a knock at the door. Scout went to check through the key hole.

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