Ch. 19: Training Camp (Brett)

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Training camp was always my favorite time of the year because I was getting an exclusive look at the players who were showing up determined to prove themselves to be on the team. It was the time where we separated the men from the boys to say the least. Yet, with this season, I was really eager to find out how this team will be. We had plenty of new faces on the team and I was hoping the culture was changing.

For starters, our new head coach, Ken Robinson, was a hire that made some heads turn. He had previously been the head coach at Marshall University and while he guided the Thundering Hurd to a successful season, to say choosing him to be our next coach was risky would be an understatement.  Not once had the man embraced an NFL field except for maybe a bowl game or two.

What I liked about Coach Robinson was that he had a way of providing that extra fire to players who he felt needed a kick in the ass. Players who would fail under a different coach would look at him as the bad guy and find a way to use whatever anger they felt to him as a way to motivate themselves to get better. The man won a lot of games during his time in college, but was often overlooked by successful college coaches like Nick Saban, Urban Meyer, and Mack Brown.

I'll never forget the first training camp speech the man gave out to his team. It was at that moment that the players realized that they would be playing for someone that would never except good enough or okay. It was either great or bust.

"Gentlemen," he began his speech. "This is the beginning of a new journey. Most of y'all have been given a fresh new opportunity while some of y'all are about to experience life in the big time. But few of y'all will be able to grace the uniform that you so seek and desire to put on for Sundays. If you want to be able to put on the uniform for Sundays, the only way you can do so is by working extremely hard. No one is safe from whatever criticism comes your way. If you want to have a lesser chance to be criticized, you will continue to put your foot on the gas pedal and work hard. If you let up for one second, your ass is on the bus back home and to a new team. For those of you that have been with this team for a while, consider yourselves on the chopping block because I want the Houston Texans, not the Half-Ass Wannabees. The days of the past are over. Let's go to work."

With the speech, it was on. The players got fired up to begin training camp and I was marveling at the sight of players hitting each other with the sounds of pads making contact. In some ways, that sound got my juices going because it felt like I was one of the players. I was always a fan of contact sports with football being my favorite. Even growing up, I used to picture myself in pads, helmet, and cleats.

Unfortunately, the closest thing I ever got to being on the field besides being the general manager, was as a cheerleader. I hated the thought of being a cheerleader. What kind of girl wanted to be seen putting a dress on with pom-poms and have perverted creeps look up their skirt? Certainly not me. Nothing against cheerleaders since I had girlfriends in school that did that. But, it wasn't meant for me.

I was enjoying the action on the field from players tackling each other and hitting the pads to the quarterbacks getting their work in. Even the kickers were working out their kicking accuracy. Watching the team that we had was like watching the team go about their business.

At one point during the camp, I saw Mr. Eisenhower and Coach Robinson conversing with each other. Being the curious person that I am, I decided to go over and head over there to see what was happening.

"Mr. Eisenhower. Coach Robinson," I said and the two looked at me to shake my hand.

"Brett," said Mr. Eisenhower. "I have to say I've been impressed with your work so far. I know that you took a lot of flack for trading our number six pick for more assets, but at least you got us the guy we needed."

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