Ch. 52: Sidelined (Brett/Scout)

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I need to talk to you.

The text I got from Theresa on Thursday night of that week was unexpected. Not that I never enjoyed Theresa texting or calling me. But her texting me that was a sign that something was off.

Okay! Do you want to meet up?

I'm coming over right now.


Theresa showed up to my place a few hours later and I could see immediately in her eyes that something was up. She had been emotional and sad and I was wondering why.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked as she came in.

"I have something to tell you," Theresa replied as she took a seat on the couch and I joined her.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine. Just need to collect myself."

Teresa took a moment to gather her thoughts and I waited for her to speak. It took an eternity, but after in actuality, two minutes, Theresa turned to me and smiled.

"So, you know how much I have been applying to continue my education?" She asked and I nodded. "Well, I have been trying to get into the schools that I wanted to go into and I actually got accepted into one."

"That's great," I said with a smile. "Congratulations." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "You deserve to be happy. What's wrong?"

"Unfortunately, the school I got into is in Ireland."

My heart suddenly dropped. She was moving overseas to Ireland. It was devastating to hear and I knew what was coming next.

"Please don't say it," I said.

"Scout, you know I love you lots. But, this opportunity is one that I can't pass up on. I'm so sorry you have to hear me say this, but I'm worried that a long distance relationship between us isn't going to work."

"Why not?"

"Because you're busy with the team especially in this stage. You got a pretty damn good job going while I'm going to be studying. Even if you're able to fly out to Ireland over the offseason, I will still be in school. I don't want to waste our time together when we're busy. So therefore, I have to break up with you."

My whole soul became empty as I felt every stinging word Theresa gave to me. Even though she had no intentions of hurting me, it still felt that way. As she kept talking, I could Theresa's eyes start to well up. I felt mine well up as well. We both knew how hard this was. Before we knew it, we hugged each other for what would wind up being the last time.

"I just want you to know one thing," I said in the hug. "I want you to be happy regardless. I'm sorry we couldn't make it work. But I want you to live your best life right now. You deserve the happiness. You get your education and go live your dream."

"I will," I heard her say and we stayed hugging for a few more minutes. Then, she departed and I'm sorry to say that was the last time I saw her.

She left for Ireland a few days later, which happened to be the day of the AFC Championship game. Even though she was going to be overseas for a long time, I still hoped she was able to watch the game because I knew how badly she loved the Texans.

For the rest of that week leading up to Sunday, I was probably the only citizen in Houston not feeling happy. Sure, I was happy for the anticipation of the big game and a chance to go to the Super Bowl. But, I was down and depressed. I didn't really want to spend time with anyone. and I chose not to go to work on Friday. I called Kendra to let her know I was sick even though that was a lie.

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