Ch. 11: Second Chance (Gordon)

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"How often does your roof need fixing?" Scout asked me as he approached my house. I start to get annoyed by his presence.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was just in the neighborhood and I couldn't help but notice this is your house. I just wanted to see what you were up too."

So, I was dealing with a stalker, eh? Doesn't this guy have a life?

"Well, now you saw my house," I answer. "The next thing you do is get in your car and depart."

"I would, but I have a problem."

"And what's that?"

"Well, you see, I've been doing a little bit of scouting while I was here and I have to say I've been impress with the talent of the football around this area. As a matter of fact, I did some videoing on players that I sent back to my bosses in Houston and they all seem to think that there is one guy that can really be a big asset to them."

I let out a chuckle.

"You're crazy," I said. "The chances of anyone in the league looking for talent here are the same as me going to the moon."

"Well maybe the moon for you might be in Houston."

I look at Scout with an intense stare. What was he telling me? Was he up to some tricks that I had no idea of what was coming next? Surely, he didn't just come up here to visit my house.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I know it sounds strange to hear me say this," Scout answered. "But, I've been watching you everyday. I've actually sent some of your footage to the Texans."

"Without my permission?"

"I know this makes you feel uncomfortable, but I'm telling you that you can still play."

For about a split second, my eyes lit up. Was he really serious? Could I still play? After all, I only threw the ball on the field for leisurely purposes. I liked to relive my glory days. But, never once did I ever think I was capable of making it to the NFL. For someone like Scout to tell me I can still play was definitely a compliment.

But, even so, I knew it wasn't worth it. My career was over and that was that. Taking a deep breath and a sigh, I planned my response to Scout.

"Last time I checked," I started to say. "I was a hotshot freshman from Texas playing SEC football. I came this close to beating Oklahoma and I was guaranteed to start for the next three years. I had everything figured out. Then, I got involved in an accident for personal reasons. I got hurt and I was never the same after that. I lost my job. I lost my scholarship. I even lost a girl I was dating then. I can never go back to where I was. Sure, I tried to even at Big Bend, but I was never the same. It's just impossible. No team in the NFL wants a former quarterback that is an at-risk 30-year old because of some bad injury."

"Well not many at-risk 30-year-olds were misused and screwed over by their college," came Scout's reply. "I read the articles and I can confirm my suspicion that Florida was afraid to take a chance on you. I've gone back and watch your footage from your days at Florida. You could throw the ball, but you didn't have the arm strength. Yet, here I am watching you throw and you throw the ball harder and can go deep."

Scout did have a point. I was promised a chance to rehab and then get my job back. Because of the emergence of Brad Cummings, my chance to return ended and I was off the team for no fault. In the aftermath of moving back to Texas, I started working out again. I got stronger and bigger. Yet, it was only to keep myself in shape.

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