To say that I was embarrassed being in that situation would be an understatement. I was beyond mortified to be there. I was looking to have a nice swim in the hotel pool and instead, I find myself in the presence of the one person who's heart I had broken because of my insecurities. This trip was definitely not an enjoyable one except for the win by the franchise.I stood there staring at Gordon, with his muscular chest showing in the hot tub. I had seen the man's chest before, but never one with some hair and more abs than before. I tried not to stare at it too much, but I couldn't resist as I'm sure he couldn't resist staring at my body in a one-piece bathing suit. It had been a long time before we had stared at each other like that.
"Do you mind if I could swim a few laps here?" I asked breaking the silence between us and hoping to get my purpose here. I stood there and waited for him to answer. I wasn't sure if he would either say no or get out of the hot tub before I could do so.
"Not at all," Gordon replied, which surprised me a bit. He didn't say it in a kind way, but he didn't say it in a mean way. It was as if he wasn't going to bother me and hoped I wouldn't bother him. So, after that exchange, I got in to the water and started swimming.
I know that you the reader have read some of the stories about me and might assume that I'm either a bitch, a whore, or a slut. I can promise that I am none of those things. I just am a woman of insecurities. To understand why, I think it's fair that I explain all that I went through.
I was three years old when Gordon and his family moved to Allen from Oklahoma. My father had worked at the same oil business Gordon's father had taken over as CEO and there was concern that my dad would be fired. Fortunately, my dad was allowed to stay because of the brilliant work he had done to keep the company afloat during the transitional period.
Me and Gordon bonded from an early age. One time at school, I was bullied by a group of boys that tried to pick on me because I was a girl. Gordon came to my rescue and managed to beat down those guys. It did get Gordon in trouble and he was given detention by the teachers and punishment by his parents. However, it kept the bullies away from me for the remainder of the year.
I want to say I was the first person to realize I liked Gordon at the age of nine. We had kissed a few times on the lips, but didn't become an official couple until we were 14. Some nights, we slept together when we were young, but in our pajamas of course. I would sometimes go on vacation with Gordon's family. They took me in like I was their daughter. I really bonded well with Gordon's mom. Aside from my mom, Gordon's mother was my favorite woman because when my mother wasn't around, I would go to Gordon's mom and ask me for advice.
One time, when I was 16, I was talking to Gordon's mother and she had this to say to me.
"You know what I want in life?" She asked.
"What?" I responded.
"I hope that you and Gordon would live a happy life and you treat Gordon like me when I treat him. I hope you would become an excellent wife to him and I hope you would bring me grand babies."
My eyes lit up with shock and surprise.
"Mrs. Henry," I replied. "This wasn't the conversation I was hoping for."
"I know sweetie, but I can't be caring for him everyday for the rest of my life. You and he have this great bond that I don't think others can match. He needs to know that you care for him and that you love him so dearly. Please, just let him know he can rely on you for the future."
I smiled at Mrs. Henry. I thought it was too early for me to have this conversation with her, but deep down inside, I felt that she was entirely right. I had already visioned life with Gordon. I knew he had dreams of being in the NFL, but deep down, I had dreams of him being the perfect husband for me and I wanted him to know that.

Two Minute Drill (Bases Loaded Jam Series #2)
ActionAfter another lost season in the NFL, Scout Ranger is under a lot of pressure. He is tasked by his owner and general manager, who also happens to be his crush in Brett Mills, to go find an impact player for their team to be a championship contender...