"Ladies and gentlemen, we like to welcome you to Houston. The temperature is currently 89 degrees outside and sunny. We will be arriving to our gate in a few minutes. We ask that you pleased remain seated with your seatbelts fastened until we arrive their shortly. Once again, we thank you for flying with us. This is your captain signing off."In what was my first flight on an airplane in a long time, I woke up from my quick nap. The words of the captain made me realize that I was about to embark on a potential new journey. Weeks of hard work, self-training, and studying had all led up to this moment. Me, getting off a plane and finding Scout to prepare for perhaps the biggest football odyssey to date.
It takes me awhile in the Houston airport to finally find the little goofball, who held up a sign that said "The Next Great NFL Star."
"Well, look who it is," Scout said shaking my hand. "Long time no see. How was the flight?
"Calm," I said. "Maybe God ordered the plane to ease my soon-to-be pain on the field for the tryout."
"Well, God did a great job there. Now, it's time for you to do yours."
After wondering through the airport and reaching the parking lot, we finally take off for the stadium. I had been to Houston on a few occasions before and while I love the city, I wasn't too keen on living there. Yet, this was a chance to play for an NFL team that I decided to enjoy it.
By the time we arrived to NRG stadium, the home of the Texans, I had a familiar flashback. When I was a junior in high school, we played our first game of the season against a powerhouse team from Houston. It was expected to be a great game between two teams that had state championship potential. Unfortunately, some of my teammates decided to talk trash about the city and posted their feelings on social media that was enough for bulletin board material for the other team.
By the end of the game, I was roughed up badly. I threw for one touchdown pass and ran for another, but I also had four picks and fumbled twice. We lost the game 64-12. It didn't help that our coach was angered by the actions of my teammates that all of us were forced to run the entire practice on Monday. If the vomit storage started collecting vomit, it would've overflowed. So here I was years after my most embarrassing performance back to the site with a new purpose.
"The tryout will be starting on the practice field," Scout said. "But I figured I could show you around our field."
We walked right into the stadium and all I was saw was this empty fortress. 75,000 plus seats with red and blue colored seats. A giant scoreboard on either side plus a few banners celebrating the team's divisional championships, which were nowhere near as exciting as a Super Bowl banner, which had yet to be won. It was silent inside, but I could hear the crowd cheering for me in my own head. I can hear them chanting my name after I make a big play just like my high school days. I had those vibes again and I wasn't even in uniform.
I walk right up to midfield where I don't step on the team logo. I stare at the blue and red bull face with the white star eye that symbolizes the Texas flag. I wonder what the bull is thinking of. Is it thinking about seeing the team play football? Is it staring at me and wondering who I was and why the hell was I on the field then? Maybe it was telling me I needed to leave because I hadn't earned my spot yet. Whatever the case, I was looking to make an impression.
"This is where dreams come true," Scout said to me. "This along with every other stadium in the NFL where all the kids that dream of making it to the NFL make it. Not just the draft picks, but also the free agents, undraftees, and more players. This is the real thing you're about to experience and this is your chance to make an impression on us. This city does need heroes on the field and you might be one of them if you put your heart and desire to it."

Two Minute Drill (Bases Loaded Jam Series #2)
ActionAfter another lost season in the NFL, Scout Ranger is under a lot of pressure. He is tasked by his owner and general manager, who also happens to be his crush in Brett Mills, to go find an impact player for their team to be a championship contender...