Brett"That's it," said the camera person. "Good. Now give me the look of determination."
Watching our guys show off their abilities to try and be an actor was both hilarious and pretty awkward. The producers wanted to create a hype video for our team that would play when we would run out of the tunnel. Our guys were excited about this opportunity to have something get them hyped up to where they would run through a brick wall and live out their childhood fantasies.
Making the hype video was only part of the excitement for us as we arrived to the Super Bowl. We all were taking in the feelings of having a lot of attention from the media during media week. Reporters of all kinds came from across the country and around the world to discuss this game we were about to play. While the idea of having two interstate teams play each other on neutral soil might be boring to a lot of people, it actually was hyped up to be a classic.
For starters, this Super Bowl wasn't just about the Texans and Cowboys. But also a battle between two general managers that were in love with each other. And yes, Luke and I were still an item according to the media. The story of Luke's affair hadn't come out like I assumed it would and it was making me wary. The media would ask me questions about our relationship instead of focusing on the football aspect of things. Rather than be honest, I had to forcefully answer questions about how excited and awkward I was feeling about facing my boyfriend in the biggest game of my life.
Luke was also dealing with the scorn of the media regarding the scandal that was slowly starting to come in. Time after time, he kept denying any knowledge of this supposed gambling ring for players to knock out opponents in the game. I also had to answer questions saying I had no comment on the matter and that I know he had to do what was best for him to focus on his team to win the game. I wasn't lying because I had no knowledge of what was really going on.
Of course, Luke and I did have to cross paths like one time in the arena of the stadium were were playing in. We would nod in acknowledgement whenever we passed. But this time, Luke pulled me aside. As much as I was hating him for what he did to me, I couldn't just ignore the problem and let the media get suspicious.
"I know you're upset at me for what I did and I can't tell you how sorry I am," he said.
"I don't think you should be talking to me right now," I replied.
"Just here me out. The reality is the woman was crazy. She believes I am actually her boyfriend when I'm not. I had to make her believe that I was into this relationship when the only relationship I want is with you."
"Well that picture of you and bed really was something to behold. I mean, she must've had a great body."
"It wasn't like that. Yes, I had to sleep with her. No, I'm not proud of it myself. When I saw the picture of that, I had to pay the guy not to publish it because of how much it would hurt my career."
"Your career?" I asked with a stern look. "Your career? What about our relationship? What about what we have? You put us in a bad spot and I can't be with someone who cheats on me." I start to walk out before Luke pulled me back in.
"Listen to me. I still love you and I mean it. Granted, I have to find a way to beat your team Sunday. But the fact is nothing changes regardless the result. I still want you in my life. Please give me another chance."
I wanted to reply with words along the lines of it's too late and nothing will ever be the same. But, there were camera people outside getting a glimpse of this and I didn't want to let them have something that would change the narrative. As much as I wanted to reject him because of my newfound feelings for Scout, no one would've believed me for the reasons why.

Two Minute Drill (Bases Loaded Jam Series #2)
ActionAfter another lost season in the NFL, Scout Ranger is under a lot of pressure. He is tasked by his owner and general manager, who also happens to be his crush in Brett Mills, to go find an impact player for their team to be a championship contender...