Ch. 58: Scout Team (Brett/Scout)

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I thought things with me and Brett were heading in a direction that would lead to some happiness. I thought Brett was moving on from Luke and maybe, just maybe, turn her attention towards me. But, I was given a reminder of our lives at that point. Brett was the general manager who got a lot of attention because of her brilliant mind, her aggressive approach to football transactions, and because she's a woman. Me? I'm just her nerdy sidekick.

Everywhere I looked or turned on a TV, the conversation regarding the Super Bowl came down to one of three things. Either the in-state rivalry between the fans, the play of both quarterbacks, and Brett and Luke's relationship. God, I was really getting sick and tired of hearing about that. Why does Brett do things just for fame? I thought she was doing them because she wanted to be a general manager. It was her passion. I should know because I've been her best friend since college.

In my hotel room, I flip through the channels until I finally catch on a movie. The scene of the film I watched involve some blonde-haired guy running through the streets to arrive to a restaurant. There, he sees a girl, who he supposedly knows, about to be asked to be the wife of the dark-haired man proposing to her, who he doesn't like. He tries to tell her that he is in love with her and that she should be happy with him only.

The girl ponders and suddenly shows an expression of happiness. She runs up and kisses the blonde-headed guy while rejecting the proposal of the dark-haired man. The movie ends with a  wedding and everyone lives happily ever after.

At that point, I felt a light bulb off the top of my head. I knew what I had to do. For many years, I have kept my feelings for Brett a closely guarded secret. Now, it was becoming apparent that I had guarded them for too long. I knew that I had to let them out. I had to tell Brett how I felt about her.

I check my social media to see if she was doing anything. A few pictures come up before I see one of a patio out at a restaurant. There was Brett sitting with Luke and immediately, I start getting a bit jealous. I need to get over to the place as soon as possible.


"This is a good meal," Luke tells me as he finished his dinner of Alaskan King Crab. "I never knew fish would be excellent to eat at this time."

"I never knew you would finish it that fast," I said in response while watching him eat.

Luke decided to ask me out to dinner on Thursday night. I could've refused to do so, but I knew the media was keen to get an exclusive scoop on the story that I was willing and able to go along with anything. We went out to this seafood restaurant and got ourselves a private area outside on the patio. I figured it was to be one of the last times we arranged for each other to meet before the big game. But I just didn't know how significant this would be.

"Well, I'm sorry we had to part ways before the night ends," I said.

"I know," Luke replied. "And I feel really bad that I have to leave you like this. But, I figure this could be something that will be talked about for years to come."

"In what way do you mean?"

"In a way that I feel that because of our relationship that we should make believers of this world."

"Luke, we're not dating right now."

"Technically, we haven't officially broken up."

I was getting annoyed by Luke's persistent denying. "You cheated on me and it hurt a lot."

"Yes, and I was wrong for doing so. But, I have realized that there are more important things than just this one game. That's why I feel that whatever I did has really hurt me in more ways than one. And to to show you how much you mean to me, I really want you in my life."

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