Ch. 13: One Day Contract (Gordon)

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Scout and I are still at the stadium sitting in the bleachers. After my tryout, Scout had been informed by his boss that they would be discussing whether or not to move forward with me. The conversation would take a few minutes and then they would get back with him by a phone call. One hour later, the phone call hadn't arrived and I was concerned.

"How long do they usually discuss prospects?" I asked Scout.

"Well," Scout replied with some uncertainty. "It depends on who they want. If the player makes a great impression, they try to extend it for a while to determine where they would fit. If the players doesn't, then they spend time talking other things to fill in the time. I'm not sure where that leaves you. You were after all a special case."

I nodded as I understood and looked out at the field. By now, most of the players are still getting looked at from the scouts, but it's hard to imagine anything would top what I did on the football field. Still, I wasn't sure if it was enough for the Texans' organization to consider me worthy of being on their team or at least getting a shot.

All of a sudden, Scout's phone rang.

"Hello," he said and got up to walk. I listened to what he said. "Yes?... I see... Right... I understand... Yeah... Well, I appreciate y'all taking the time... I'll be back tonight and in the office on Monday. Yes... Thank you... Good-bye.''

He hung up the phone and turned to me. I saw a look of disappointment in his face. That wasn't a good sign. He walked right back to sit next to me. I didn't want to ask because I figured I had the answer in mind. Neither of us said anything for a few moments. We just watched the players on the field continuing their opportunities of making impression on the scouts. It seemed only fair to watch and evaluate what chance these guys had of getting close if not me.

At last, Scout spoke.

"They were really impressed with how you performed today. They had some good things to say about you and really liked the way you handled the situation. Some of your throws were definitely similar to current quarterbacks." He then had his head held down. "However, the problem they face is whether or not you can handle being in the NFL. I think you can, but I'm not sure if they feel like they can trust you to be an asset on the team even if you were just a third string or practice squad member."

At that moment, I knew what was to come. Scout would look at me and say it was an honor to watch me throw and to observe my chances of making the league. However, they feel that I'm not capable of being on their team. There might be hopes of me making it back to the NFL with another team, but not with the vision they have for the Texans. So therefore, I was not going to be on the team.

"Which ," continued Scout, "is why they requested that you come to Houston and perform for them in person."

My head turned to Scout.

"Perform?" I asked.

"Yeah, they're going to give you a tryout. In a practice uniform with pads and with real NFL players."

My eyes widened. Was I hearing Scout right? I was going to have a tryout with an NFL team?

"Does that mean...?" I asked without finishing the question.

"I got you another tryout Gordon," Scout said. "You're going to get a shot. You're going to get a shot in the NFL."

Holy shit! I was going to have a tryout with an NFL team. I couldn't believe it.

"I got a shot?" I asked again as the reality set in.

"You got a shot." Scout then hugged me as I replied. I'm not gay, but I could've kissed Scout on the mouth. I couldn't believe it. I was about to have a chance in the NFL. I was only surprised no one else in the stadium heard me.

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