Scout"Hey y'all," Brett said as she arrived with Gordon linking arms with her. "Hope you don't mind that I brought someone with us."
"Not at all,"Theresa said. "Hi, I'm Theresa."
While Gordon was shaking hands with Theresa and Rick, I was staring at Brett. She wore a nice gold dress that sparkled with some light. Her high heels made her just as tall as Gordon and more taller than I was, which made me look intimidated. Still, I couldn't believe she was in attendance with Gordon as her date. Soon, everyone took their seats.
"So," I asked. "You sure are the lucky one tonight, Gordon?"
"Well, I was invited," Gordon said. "I actually wasn't going to do anything tonight. But, Brett actually invited me and I guess I didn't want to get bored."
"I figured it was a great break from football," Brett said.
"What about Luke?" I asked, knowing Luke was still Brett's boyfriend.
"Oh, he's with his family. I figured I could use Gordon as my date for the night."
"I just hope you're ready for your last game of the season," Rick said. "I heard it's a big one."
"I'll be fine," Gordon replied. "One night isn't going to give me problems."
I stared at Gordon as he smiled with Brett. It was awkward enough for him being here, especially with Brett as his date and in front of me and Rick. I was feeling annoyed, but also glad, especially to see him in a suit. The last time I saw him in a suit or tuxedo was at prom night when Gordon and I made love to each other. I missed that night entirely.
"So Gordon," Theresa asked. "Scout tells me you're his Frankenstein monster. Is that true?"
"Now dear," I replied. "I never said he was my monster."
"You keep bragging about him like he was your pet guinea pig," Theresa replied to me. "I want to know how it was you were able to find him from your story."
I looked at Gordon, who stared at me. I nodded to him as if to say it was okay to confess.
"Well then," Gordon said. He then proceeded to tell the story of how he ended up with the Texans without being drafted in the NFL. With each highlight, I glanced at Theresa who smiled at me as she seemed to be proud of her man for pulling off this incredible story. Once Gordon finished, Theresa gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"That's my man," she said.
"So," Rick, Kendra's boyfriend interrupted. "I must ask if Troy Paulson is crazy." All of us took a laugh at the joke. "Because I think he's insane and I need to know from your side what you think of it."
"Troy's a good guy," Gordon said. "He might be crazy on the field. But that just mean he psychs himself up. Off the field, he's one of the best men you'll ever be around."
"Sounds like my kind of guy if I were ever into players," Theresa remarked.
"Oh Theresa," Brett said. "Don't get ahead of yourself. You already got a crazy man in Scout with you."
"I'm not crazy," I said with a weird look.
"How would you know?" Asked Theresa.
Brett was quickly silent as if he she said anything weird, it would make things between Theresa and I awkward.
"It's just that I know Scout can be like a child sometimes if you know him, but in a good way. Remember that girl you dated in college? What was her name? Jane?"

Two Minute Drill (Bases Loaded Jam Series #2)
ActionAfter another lost season in the NFL, Scout Ranger is under a lot of pressure. He is tasked by his owner and general manager, who also happens to be his crush in Brett Mills, to go find an impact player for their team to be a championship contender...