Ch. 66: Defensive Stop (Troy)

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The mood on our sideline was as dire as you could imagine. We went from being excited about the idea of scoring a potential game-sealing touchdown from our offense to feeling like the world had just ended. There was no life on the sideline. We weren't showing anything. It was as if that interception killed us and we were gloomy.

Then, I see Gordon walk off the after he made his incredible tackle. Immediately, I could tell that he was hurting inside. Something was wrong and I sensed it. He sat down showing sign of pain. A trainer went to ask if he was okay and Gordon said he was fine. I knew he was lying, but after watching what he did to save a touchdown in the moment, I was inspired by him. I knew Gordon wanted to win. Now, our defense to give him a chance.

By this point, my knee was still sore as I had sat out almost all of the second half. But, I wanted to make a big difference in that moment. I knew Coach Robinson wasn't going to put me in the game. But I didn't care. I was going out there. I joined the rest of the defensive guys in the huddle and they were surprised to see me.

"Troy, what are you doing?" Albert asked me.

"I'm playing right now," I answer.

"But you're hurt man," Xavier said. "You can't be serious now."

"I am serious." I point to our bench. "Look at our quarterback now. He's hurting right now. He's hurting a lot. He spent the last two seasons working his way to be the quarterback and leader of this team. He got us to this point and we're letting him down. He's upset that he threw what he thinks is the worst interception of his life. He's about to be the goat if we don't step up and stop these motherfuckers. We got to give him one more fucking chance. We've come too far to screw around now."

"He's right," Robert says. "We tired now, but we've been tired before. I've been tired of being nothing. We're being nothing right now. Only way we win is if we stop them right here.These guys are not machines. We got to them before and we can get to them again. Hold the line."

"Don't surrender boys," Calvin remarked. "Let's go."

"They're going to run the ball right here," Preston said. "Smash them in the mouth."

"Listen here," Albert interrupts. "We are not going to let them score. No touchdowns. No field goals. We are going to stop these guys. Tighten up defensively. Linemen, we rushing the passer. Linebackers, go after the receivers. DB's, you cover for the linebackers. No white jersey gets by unscathed. If we bleed on this series, put that blood on their jerseys because they will know we bled to win the fucking game more than they ever will. Let's shut these fuckers up."

The emotions and raw-raws were at an all-time point as we got each other fired up. As soon as we broke the huddle, we waited for the Cowboys up.

"Hey cry boys," Y Smith asked. "You want to break up that huddle and try to score now? Let's get this over with."

"It's going to be a bumpy ride," Lucky shouted.

The Cowboys finally broke the huddle and I took my position in the middle linebacker spot. Hurt as I was, I knew this was a big series and I was going to do my part to keep Dallas out of the endzone. I glance up and see 2:34 left on the clock. If we could stop them, we could give Gordon a chance to win. Brad went to the line of scrimmage and I stared in his face.

"Think you're tough enough to score on us Brad?" I asked. "I dare you to sneak it in."

Brad ignored my question and barked out the signals. He then took the snap and I immediately rushed after him. He handed the ball to his running back who turned to his right. I grabbed the carrier's jersey, but he broke free only to met by Albert who drilled him hard.

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