Chapter 2 - Yet Another Prophecy?!

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Everyone is gathered in Bad's hotel room. "I called you all here because I have to tell you about something." Percy began. He took out his letter and heard collective gasps spreads across the room.

"I have that too!" Leo exclaimed, taking out his letter. After a few moments, everyone had taken out their own letters.

Annabeth opened hers and took out the paper. "Are our's all the same? Does anyone know what 'Hogwarts' is?" No one answered her questions, since none of them knew the answer to either question.

"I mean..." Percy started. "It sounds like warts growing on a hog." Everyone laughed.

"Imagine if that's what it means?" Techno snorted, failing at holding in his laughter.

After everyone calmed down, Frank started reading his letter. (He's the only one who doesn't have ADHD and Dyslexia) The contents of the letter: (ignore the name and pretend it says Frank Zhang)

 (He's the only one who doesn't have ADHD and Dyslexia) The contents of the letter: (ignore the name and pretend it says Frank Zhang)

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After letting the fact that witches and wizards exist sink in, everyone started talking amongst themselves.

Jason had to think twice. "Wait, as in witches and wizards who use wands, make potions, and fly on broomsticks?"

"I thought these were just Halloween stuff." Bad said.

Ranboo shrugged, "Well, Greek and Roman mythology are supposed to be made up, too."

"You have a point." Piper agreed.

"I really don't want to go to school again." Leo commented.

Jason nodded. "I agree with you."

Hazel asked, "Maybe they're blessed by Hecate?"

Nico shrugged. "No idea."

"Okay, guys, stop! There's a second page." Frank said. Everyone quieted down at this. The second page includes the list of things they will need.

"McGonagall also tells us to find three students from Hogwarts," Frank informed, "We can go to the "Leaky Cauldron" on Charing Cross Road to find the students. They will help us adjust to the wizarding world and help us find school supplies. Their names are Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger."

Then suddenly Frank stopped.

"Frank?" Techno asked. "Go on."

Frank frowned. "She says a prophecy said that we will all be in Hogwarts, which is why she invited us."

"Another prophecy?" Jason questioned. Many others groaned.

Nico sighed. "Great... another prophecy."

Frank looked at the third piece of paper. "The prophecy is right here:"

Fourteen in Hogwarts shall travel east
Minecrafters both old and new forced to face their past
Nine half-bloods will be either the saviors or destruction
Six wizards thrown into chaos with an important task
A legendary force unites them all
To lead them to their destination, which is not what they seek

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