Chapter 18 - DSMP Things

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Magnus and Alex had just set off to find the strange energy coming from the alleyway.

Wait, no, Magnus Alex and Jack.

"Sorry, bud," Alex apologized, "I think I forgot about your existence for a second there."

If Jack had a face, he would be rolling his eyes. "Humans these days. Not only have you ruined my date with that hot spear, you also forgot about my existence!" He jabbed at Alex. It's not life-threatening or harmful to Alex but could still give him pain.

Alex dodged. "Jeez, no need to get so violent!"

Magnus took back his fuming (not literally) sword. "Let's just go. Sorry about your date, man- uh, sword."

Jack grumbled, "Hmph," as he turned back to a pendant that hung around Magnus's neck.

"Well, now that that's over, let's actually do this quest," Alex remarked. Magnus nodded in agreement.


Samirah had just delivered a new einherjar to Hotel Valhalla. Fortunately, the introduction at the Feast Hall Of The Slain didn't go the way it was with Magnus.

As she finally finished serving the einherjars and was about the go home, the space she was in began to glitch and sway. The air was distorted and her surroundings started to fade into one she didn't recognize.


Hermione knows a few things.

1: The only people she sort of knows is Will and Thalia, who were introduced to her as demigods. They're her allies, though she doesn't know them very well, so they must help each other and work together to complete the quest.

2: They are in an unfamiliar place with no place to go.

3: All the other questers are no where to be found.

4: They are in a casino.

"I've seen the messages in Chat," The man before them, Quackity, commented, "You've done some quite interesting achievements."

A smile grew on his face.

"I'd like you to join Las Nevadas, my casino," Quackity smiled.

The three were shocked. "But aren't we too young to gamble?" Will questioned.

Quackity's smile did not droop. "This isn't exactly your world now, is it? We don't necessarily have laws here. There's no limit or restrictions. Plus, we're not under a government."

"We are the government."

The questers exchanged looks. I don't think I like where this is going... Hermione thought. This is strange.

"What's the Chat thing?" Thalia asked.

Quackity seemed to think about it for a little, before answering. "Maybe you don't have it, since you're not a Minecrafter," He seemed a little bothered by this, "that could be a problem for you..."

He waved his hand, dismissing it. "It doesn't matter. How about I show you around the casino before you decide to join or not?" He offered.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now