Chapter 14 - Memeories 1/2

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I left the last chapter on a cliffhanger so... I'm continuing the cliffhanger. >:D

These are the memories made at Hogwarts before the questers left and.... other... memories...

They.... could be good... or.. bad...

With that happy thought to kick off this chapter, let's start!

Ranboo uncertainly held a wand in his hand. "Uh... so this is supposed to cast magic?"

Mcgonagall answered him, "Yes."

Ranboo did not like the vibes he got from the transfiguration professor. She seemed... strict.

The non-wizards were required to learn first year spells, with their assigned "eighth year" students to tutor them.

Bad was assigned to Ava. (The Hufflepuff girl who likes baking and had a cottagecore phase) Drista was assigned to a Slytherin named Auiak. (Not sus at all) Ranboo was assigned to a Hufflepuff named Allison. Techno was assigned to Luna. Tommy was assigned to Ron. Wilbur was assigned to Draco. Jason was assigned to Pansy. Percy was assigned to Harry. Nico was assigned to Hermione. Hazel assigned to a Hufflepuff named Anniston. Annabeth was assigned to a Ravenclaw girl called Selene. Frank was assigned to a Hufflepuff named Pheonix. Leo was assigned to a Slytherin named Irene. Piper was assigned to Blaise.

Allison started instructing Ranboo on the spell he was supposed to learn. Being assigned to a "Muggle" is extra work on these people, since they have to both learn and tutor the newbies. The teacher teaches everyone, but the wizards assigned to the newcomers are the go-to person when the newcomers needed something or tutoring. They're like the teachers' assistants that are only assigned to one newbie.

Ranboo and Allison got along great. Mainly because they are both good natured. Allison is a huge extrovert with introvert traits, though she's not an ambivert. Kind of. Maybe a little. Allison often threatened to take away Ranboo's kneecaps because she's not... really... tall... (relatable... 😭) and Ranboo... HOW ARE PEOPLE TALL-

Ahem, anyways, she is very eager to offer her help with learning spells and other things. Ranboo found that even though she procrastinates until the very end to do her homework, she somehow still has good grades. How does she get all her work done despite the procrastination?

Guess he'll never know.

Ron is being tortured. By Tommy. He kept cussing whenever he thought the teacher couldn't hear. (The teacher caught him several times still and he got detention) He didn't always ask for help and ended up blowing things up or messing up. Then, the teacher would go, "Ron, why didn't you help him? You could have prevented this!" And Ron wouldn't be able to reply with a good answer.

There's also a lot of other factors that tortured Ron, but he'd rather not think about it... yeah, he's good.

Wilbur didn't like Draco. Not even a little. Okay, maybe a little. That guy has sass. Both of them excelled in Potions, though. As expected. He didn't ask for help a lot, since he was smart enough to not need the help. This doesn't necessarily mean the others are dumb. They're just good friends with their assigned wizards. Wilbur prefers to be without his assigned wizard, thank you very much. He can figure out almost everything on his own. Well, at least Malfoy is good for information...

Piper remembered what she heard about "Draco Malfoy". This "Blaise" is apparently his friend. Strangely, though, he was pretty chill. Piper honestly wondered why he's friends with Malfoy.

Pansy annoyed Jason. She reminded him of Drew, who used to constantly flirt with him until Piper got her to lay off. Pansy didn't flirt, but she had the same vibe as Drew. He wasn't sure how to explain it. They were just very similar. He tried to not ask for guidance on the spells and classes as much as he could, though there are some parts that he could do on his own, but would be easier with help.

(DISCONTINUED) From Separate Dimensions | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now